Hello fellow Beethovians!
I am new to the world of Beethoven and wanted to get recommendations on piano sonata CDs.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
'How can I, a musician, say to people "I am deaf!" I shall, if I can, defy this fate, even though there will be times when I shall be the unhappiest of God's creatures ... I live only in music ... frequently working on three or four pieces simultaneously.' - Ludwig van Beethoven
[This message has been edited by Zon (edited 10-01-2001).]
I am new to the world of Beethoven and wanted to get recommendations on piano sonata CDs.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
'How can I, a musician, say to people "I am deaf!" I shall, if I can, defy this fate, even though there will be times when I shall be the unhappiest of God's creatures ... I live only in music ... frequently working on three or four pieces simultaneously.' - Ludwig van Beethoven
[This message has been edited by Zon (edited 10-01-2001).]