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Coda of Beethoven 9 by Furtwängler

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    Coda of Beethoven 9 by Furtwängler

    comparing the Coda of Beethoven 9 by Furtwängler

    Very interesting

    Now there is a good definition of prestissimo! While some of those sounded a bit out of control others were rather hair raising (in a good way). Nice find!


      Yes very interesting indeed - I also find the 1954 Bayreuth most satisfactory, but what really stands out in these recordings is the correct interpretation of the preceding maestoso which so many conductors gloss over in their desire to race to the end! Furtwängler doesn't do this, in all these versions he pulls back and the effect of the prestissimo is greatly enhanced as a result. Some of the earlier recordings do sound very frantic, but that may be down to the recording quality. My favourite recording of the 9th is Ferenc Fricsay and he also pulls back with the maestoso unlike most modern conductors.
      'Man know thyself'

