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Happy Birthday, Ludwig and Anna

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    Happy Birthday, Ludwig and Anna

    It's time for me to start boasting again about my gorgeous granddaughter.

    Born on the same date as Ludwig van, she is now two years old and absolutely beautiful. Sadly, she is showing very little signs of musical talent. Okay, she can play the first three movements of the Hammerklavier but she makes a total mess of the finale!

    Seriously, I don't care if she is tone deaf or - worse still - winds up on the "X Factor". I have said this last year and the year before, but I still find it amazing that my only granddaughter should be born on the same day as that cantankerous deaf composer that I have been obsessed with before I even got married!

    Her name, Anna, was decided upon long before the day she was born. (It's a version of my mother's name.) Another weird coincidence was that Ludwig had a little sister of the same name who lived for only a day or two.

    Anyway, today is the big day!

    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


      Last edited by Megan; 12-16-2011, 05:24 AM.
      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        I wish both many years to come (for surely, B. also lives!)!


          Michael man, you crack me up! And hopefully your niece will come to love Beethoven, and be as moved by Beethoven as you.

          Happy Birthday Ludwig van Beethoven - aka - Ludwig, Beethoven, Louis, Luigi, the brilliant deaf composer, etc. Did I forget any other names Beethoven was called - seriously?

          May you rest in peace, and not just any peace, may you rest in eternal peace - and I pray it exists, as I am sure you did.

          You know what I think is mind-blowing that many people overlook when regarding the deeper point. BEETHOVEN WAS DEAF IN HIS LATE PERIOD!!! - and wrote the most ingenious works considered by today's musicologist. I cannot begin to imagine being deaf, yet, writing music while being deaf!!! Ludwig, obviously, had some very deep feelings running through hiself.

          I wish I understood his music better, felt it more, etc.

          Anyway, long the brilliant deaf genius.
          - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


            No one's mentioned his age 241 today!!
            'Man know thyself'


              Happy Birthday, Anna and Beethoven! I'd sing "Happy Birthday to You", but I'd be sued


                Originally posted by Megan View Post
                Lovely! Thanks, Megan, and everybody!



                  Happy Birthday to you,
                  Happy Birthday to you,
                  Happy (241st) Birthday, dear Ludwig,
                  Happy Birthday to you!

                  And Happy Birthday to Anna as well, Michael! One of my friends was born on this day as well and we always teased her saying her name should have been Ludvine!
                  'Truth and beauty joined'


                    Originally posted by Joy View Post

                    Happy Birthday to you,
                    Happy Birthday to you,
                    Happy (241st) Birthday, dear Ludwig,
                    Happy Birthday to you!

                    And Happy Birthday to Anna as well, Michael! One of my friends was born on this day as well and we always teased her saying her name should have been Ludvine!
                    Thanks, Joy!


                      Happy B-lated good Birthday wishes to Anna!

                      I celebrated B on the 17th Dec this year-jus B cause I thought it was appropriate :-))

                      "It was not the fortuitous meeting of the chordal atoms that made the world; if order and beauty are reflected in the constitution of the universe, then there is a God."


                        Thanks, Lisa!

