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Musical Teasers

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    Seriously, there's a musician just now on an Irish chat show who actually broke his neck and lived to tell the tale. His name is Tommy Fleming.
    It's not helping me with the necked quiz, though.

    And to think that Peter is snoring blissfully with a smug expression on his face. Come on, lads and lassies. I'm relying on you all to solve this before he wakes up. I'm going to bed.

    Last edited by Michael; 10-21-2011, 10:14 PM.


      The "Necked symphony" : truncated? The (Baz) 10th?


        The original clue:

        "5) Necked a symphony?"

        Does the letter "a" have some significance?


          Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
          The original clue:

          "5) Necked a symphony?"

          Does the letter "a" have some significance?
          We're really struggling now. "A" suggests the 7th symphony which was written neck and neck with the 8th.

          (If this is right, Peter deserves to be shot.)

          Speaking of "shot" - what about the tennis shot clue. Did anybody get that yet?
          String quartets and "a terrible racket" comes to mind but that doesn't help much.

          Last edited by Michael; 10-21-2011, 11:07 PM.


            Just got on the forum and quite a lot has happened, quite interesting and funny too.

            The clue I think? is:

            Necked - to kiss on the neck

            - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


              What about the neck of a stringed instrument? Maybe this is what Peter was referring to:



                Tennis, anyone?

                "Lob auf den dicken" Wo100 ? Schuppanzigh again?


                  Well time is up I'm afraid.

                  The tennis one is the Eroica symphony: Michael was on the right lines with 'Lob' - short for Lobkowitz where the Eroica was given its first private performance (launched) - an additional clue here was that this was the third question!

                  The Necked symphony is the Pastoral:
                  Justin KNECHT (1752-1817) had written a symphony titled 'The musical portrait of nature' which has a five movement plan with a first movement describing a beautiful sunlit countryside, a storm in the 3rd movement and the finale titled 'Nature raises her voice towards heaven offering to the creator sweet and agreable songs.'
                  Now it is certain that B knew of this work and NICKED the idea (again Michael was sort of on the right lines), even if he never heard it performed - has anyone?? - Sir George Grove discovered that this symphony by Knecht was actually advertised on the cover of Beethoven's early 'Electoral' sonatas WoO47.

                  Well done for all your efforts and I think it was great fun, so I'll be doing these on a weekly basis - Knecht's lot on friday, I warn you though they won't always be so easy!!
                  In the meantime I'll have some more rare delights for you over the weekend.

                  I'll close this thread now as we'll have a new one each time.
                  'Man know thyself'

