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Beethoven's sketches

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    Beethoven's sketches

    Dear friends,

    I have opened this section in my internet site: The lovers of the Beethoven's sketch can listen a great collection of mp3.
    I have done a lot of job to the Kafka Skizzenbuch; This "miscellany" conserved in the British Museum contains 450 unpublished music!. Some of them are of enormous importance, although unknown. I hope to put online the whole kafka in about two years. Besides you can listen to the mp3s of the Artaria 195 and of the new Artaria 197. I have put on line all the sketches non referable to opus 110 and to Missa Solemnis opus 123.
    Here you will find the rare De Roda: I have transcribed the whole text, (in Italian in the original: "Un quaderno di abbozzi di Beethoven del 1824". The sketches in mp3 are coming soon. In this section I have put all the known Biamonti. The scores of some of them are very difficult to be found. Finally, almost all the "Trattato di Armonia e composizione": has been digitalized. Only the first part is absent. (The Italian text is that of the transcript of Rossi, 1850 ca.).

    I hope that this job will be you pleasant!

    Talk to you soon,

    Your friend Armando

    Armando, from what I could make of the site (I cannot read Italian) it was very impressive! You must have really put a lot of work and thought into it. All I know to say is congratulations and very impressive! All the best.
    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


      I am afraid the links are not working for me


        Dear Friends,

        Really yesterday ----unfortunately------ the file server was "off duty" ..... This is the problem of the official announce! (Ah, magnificent Italy, where nothing doesn't work!)

        It works well today, and I beg you to retry to listen and/or to download the music.
        (if you want, obviously!!!)




          Dear Armando,
          a few sketches were indeed interesting!

          From what year is the ARTARIA 197 ?
          In "2te sonate PAGINA 76 RIGHE 8-16" there was an intersting sketch for the Allegro from the c-minor sonata op. 111!

          Beautiful is also the fugato from PAGINA 39 RIGHE 6-7 ! Was this really for organo, as you write?

          Very nice is also the last example from Ataria 195



            Originally posted by gprengel View Post
            From what year is the ARTARIA 197 ?
            ca March-December 1821


              I am afraid the links are still not working for me


                Originally posted by Roehre View Post
                I am afraid the links are still not working for me
                Strange - they're fine for me! Try just going to the main site and finding the page from there.
                'Man know thyself'


                  Again I want to say how much I love the fugato theme from Ataria 197 PAGINA 39 RIGHE 6-7 .

                  I think it has a similiar expression like the great fugato (var. #24) from the Diabelli Varations. Does anyone knows when this fugato was written (some variations were written later in 1823) ?


                    Dear friends,

                    I am happy that I have found friends that appreciate the Beethoven's sketches!
                    The Artaria 195 and 197 in reality are consecutive notebooks. The first is of May 1820 - February 1821, the second on March - December 1821. A third notebook, Artaria 201, December 1821 and end 1822 - beginning 1823.
                    Unlike the Kafka (which is more a miscellany or an union of sketchbooks) that it contains at least 450 themes and sketches (they is not referable to finished works) the Artaria contain above all sketches of known works:
                    Artaria 195: Missa Solemnis, Opus 109, Opus 119.
                    Artaria 197: Missa Solemnis, Opus 109, 110, 111 and Opus 119.

                    The first are 50 double pages, the second are 44. The notebooks are in Berlin, Staatsbibliothek. Some of these sheets are in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
                    I have transcribed only the works that are not referable to the known works.
                    Also the "Fugato" (very fascinating) it belongs to this group. The whole page is busy from the sketches of the Missa, (Dona nobis Pacem) and he shares the same tonality (D Major). Then I think, rather, that the "Fugato" is a sketch to the Missa.

                    talk to you soon and you excuse my very..... fragile English.

                    Your Armando------------

