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This is Scary!

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    This is Scary!

    It seems people will do anything but listen to the bloody music!

    Originally posted by Michael View Post

    It seems people will do anything but listen to the bloody music!


      Will there be no end to these dumb novelties! Plus I am very suspicious of smart phones, as they can be fitted with an app or device that can hack into other cell phones.
      This is the age of surveillance or spying. So obviously a serious violation of our privacy has been perpetrated.
      Last edited by Megan; 08-06-2011, 05:58 PM.
      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        On one hand, I think there are some great uses for it, like following along with a score. But on the other hand, this could also be done with a recording at another time, and when seeing a live performance it is probably best not to worry about all that and just enjoy it.


          Originally posted by Megan View Post
          Will there be no end to these dumb novelties! Plus I am very suspicious of smart phones, as they can be fitted with an app or device that can hack into other cell phones.
          This is the age of surveillance or spying. So obviously a serious violation of our privacy has been perpetrated.
          I can't understand this phone obsession - my (very basic) mobile stays switched off in my car for emergency use only! I ban mobiles when I'm teaching and I think the same should be done at concerts - if people need to follow a score, take one in with you, not a phone!
          'Man know thyself'


            Originally posted by Peter View Post
            I can't understand this phone obsession - my (very basic) mobile stays switched off in my car for emergency use only! I ban mobiles when I'm teaching and I think the same should be done at concerts - if people need to follow a score, take one in with you, not a phone!
            I agree with you.
            "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


              Originally posted by Hofrat View Post
              I agree with you.
              Seconded, here. I happen to be geeky oriented, but do not carry a mobile phone except for work, and then when I am away from work it usually stays home, turned very much off. I would not dream of taking it to a concert, a play, or any other such production.


                Originally posted by Megan View Post
                This is the age of surveillance or spying. So obviously a serious violation of our privacy has been perpetrated.
                sure is...which began centuries ago--implemented decades ago, in fact..


                nothing surprises me anymore

                Yes, people should focus in and listen to the music and enjoy-while they are still able

                "It was not the fortuitous meeting of the chordal atoms that made the world; if order and beauty are reflected in the constitution of the universe, then there is a God."


                  I think using cellular phones to follow the score is somewhat ridiculous. It does have benefits which is why they are attempting to get this started. Though I feel they are missing the larger picture, that we have become a world dependent on technology, for a large part, and this is a terrible thing. With things like the internet, media, propaganda, etc. it has effected the minds of so many. So my point is the last thing we need is to start finding more ways to use all of this technology, in anything, instead we should focus on how to work with technology for the better.

                  I mean even the government, the last thing that should be focused on as media, has become a form of popular-cultured media. A lot of times when I turn on the tv they are talking about the government - completely outrageous! The presidents of the past would be rolling in their graves.

                  I say less technology and better ways of handling the technology we have for a better cause.
                  Last edited by Preston; 08-09-2011, 07:21 PM.
                  - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                    Originally posted by EternaLisa View Post
                    sure is...which began centuries ago--implemented decades ago, in fact..


                    nothing surprises me anymore

                    Yes, people should focus in and listen to the music and enjoy-while they are still able

                    That is a quite serious and very concerning video. What comes to mind is what has happened to Earth? Anyway, it is at a point to me also where little is surprising or really can be. People need to wake up and come down from the clouds.
                    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                      Preston, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that we shouldn't be using technology just for the sake of doing that, but rather should be using it to improve our standard of living. While the idea of following scores during a recording of a piece can be very helpful, doing that in a live performance can be very detrimental to the experience of being at a live performance. We get so focused on nuts and bolts of a thing and neglect the spontaneity of what happens during a performance.


                        Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                        Preston, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that we shouldn't be using technology just for the sake of doing that, but rather should be using it to improve our standard of living. While the idea of following scores during a recording of a piece can be very helpful, doing that in a live performance can be very detrimental to the experience of being at a live performance. We get so focused on nuts and bolts of a thing and neglect the spontaneity of what happens during a performance.
                        Sorrano, I don't follow what you mean in your first sentence. I am saying that, imo, technology or more so the way it is being used has caused very serious problems and something needs to be done. From oil spills, to pollution from manufacturing plants, to media frenzy, etc. It is just too much. Too much to try and maintain, handle, etc. Too much consuming, buying, spending, etc. It never ends and it is sad, imo.

                        I am disagreeing, very much so, that cellular phones should be used during performances, because imo, we have become too focused on technology and that is a very serious problem it seems to me.
                        Last edited by Preston; 08-09-2011, 09:08 PM.
                        - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                          Don't be too harsh on the technology, Preston. The problems arise when people abuse it; most of these issues we have are due to human error and often human laziness to "dot all the i's and cross all the t's". I've worked in technology most of my life and I've seen that sometimes a little lack of care creates a mountain of issues.

                          That said, I do not really see any need for visual aids in a concert other than what has been provided. Typically, in a concert, the lights are dimmed so that the focus is on the stage and not elsewhere. The concert hall (or theater, whatever) are good places for the patrons to become unfocused on technology and enjoy the program.
                          Last edited by Sorrano; 08-09-2011, 09:18 PM. Reason: Thought of a better word.


                            Preston and Sorrano, I would add that while we are actually blessed with the technology, we at the same time abuse it-use it for wrong reasons. Like a whole lotta people are Christmas Crazy starting in July, so do we get gadget crazy and lose sight of the necessity of disciplining ourselves with the application of technology in our lives. It's certainly good to have it, but what we use it for, and how, certainly begs questioning more often than not.

                            I for one, would be verrrry tempted to smack someone (and I don't mean a kissy kiss either) sitting next to me annoying me and interrupting my concert going pleasure - since particularly the pleasure of doing so is so very rare, I do think.

                            I like to think of such events as concerts as being very special occasions-and are very helpful in especially creating a divergence from the daily toils and stresses of one's existence-however momentary they be--and appreciate one's ability to escape from the growing nuisance of technology ever encroaching upon society as a whole.

                            People, I fear, are about to lay aside the art of listening--they've already begun this some time ago. If one chooses to take that path-remember: not everyone prefers it and be considerate (but---ahhhhh-who am I to speak of "consideration"?)

                            Did that make any sense at all?

                            "It was not the fortuitous meeting of the chordal atoms that made the world; if order and beauty are reflected in the constitution of the universe, then there is a God."


                              Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                              Don't be too harsh on the technology, Preston. The problems arise when people abuse it; most of these issues we have are due to human error and often human laziness to "dot all the i's and cross all the t's". I've worked in technology most of my life and I've seen that sometimes a little lack of care creates a mountain of issues.

                              That said, I do not really see any need for visual aids in a concert other than what has been provided. Typically, in a concert, the lights are dimmed so that the focus is on the stage and not elsewhere. The concert hall (or theater, whatever) are good places for the patrons to become unfocused on technology and enjoy the program.
                              I am not trying to be too harsh on technology, at least my understanding of it now. It seems to me now, also, that it is the way it is being used, which was one of my primary points. Though, I do wonder sometimes if it is completely wrong? What will it lead to? Etc. Though, as of now I agree that it is the way technology is used and that it needs to be used for the better. Though, for all of technologies positives I think it has done far more negative. I am somewhat convinced of that. In technologically modernized countries we have become wholly dependent on technology (power, food, pretty much everything) - I think a more natural setting would be better. Perhaps, wipe out all technology and let the earth live or keep relying on water for power and it will die along with everything in it?

                              I imagine that the word "technology" is too much of a stereotype. There is probably good and bad technology, even at the very fundamentals of technology. This is something I have not thought about but would like to.
                              - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

