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What has happened

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    What has happened

    I do not believe that my mind is the only one that shares these feelings of anger, agression, depression, and violence!
    How could something like this happen in America?
    I must say to all that Joy is indeed right. The 9th finale is joy-triumph. And in the hour of our grief the 5th would have been perfect. Especially the 1st movement. Though it is different circumstances all together, I feel like Napeloean has bombed Vienna and I am in the shelter holding pillows over my ears! This creates inspiration!!!!!
    To write a symphony that is depressing and anger with all sound-however, at the end-we all united together will be triumphant music.
    My condolcnes to all thoses who have lost. Revenge will be met and from this, we all will rise from the ashes of destruction.
    We will seize this enemy by the throat and bring him to proper justice.


    Hey Stout!
    You are not the only one out there that feels like that. I too wish that the violence in the world would stop. I wish that people that caused this be brought to a swifty trial and death be brought on them. We need to look in the positive side of life too. If you just live in a depression or in anger you will be misserable the rest of your life. Take it from someone who has been there.


      No Stout, you are not alone with those feelings... but one must consider that revenge is O.K. till more innocents people does not pay it with their lives.



        I do hope everyone is not suggesting that if there is a military conflict that it should be called 'revenge.' After all, we did not start this. Talk about innocent lives being lost, what about all those innocents in the towers and the Pentagon who were just going to work that morning?? Are you suggesting we do nothing?

        'Truth and beauty joined'


          Well, we have to do something, of course, in the name of justice, and to show we are not willing to be pushed around as a nation. It would be irresponsible of the federal government to do nothing.


            We will trace back through financial dealings who is really responsible and any government that is providing additional funding, as well as followers (fanatics) in other countries. Those persons and and any government will be punished, hopefully by attack of specific military sites and not the senseless bombing of innocents. With funding gone the terrorist activity will cease. Assassintaing Ben Kenobi alone will only make him a martyr. Attacking innocent Afganistanis would be too vicious for Americans to stomach. I believe this can happen, not because the witless 'W' is at the helm but that their are some competent persons in the government.


              I really enjoyed reading your post, Suzie. Thank you for sharing your view on this! I hope and pray you are right, and there is no more killing of innocent lives


                O.K. Stout, I was wrong using the word "revenge". Something have to be done, but in the direction Suzy indicates : seen from Europe, G. Bush have a reputation of beeing a "cow boy" ready to take off his colt on anybody moving to secure is image of President....
                It is a pity that it cannot be a war like the one between the "Horaces and the Curiaces" in Rom : just puting Ben Laden and Bush with two colts and let them have a good explanation !!!
                What happened in USA makes me really sorry and depressed, but there are also innocent people in Afghanistan (all those poor women reduced by the talibans for example...) and if the attack is not quick and well centred, all the world will feel the results of terrorism. We have had some years ago terrorists actions in Paris.... it is terrible.



                  Originally posted by Claudie MICAULT:
                  O.K. Stout, I was wrong using the word "revenge". Something have to be done, but in the direction Suzy indicates : seen from Europe, G. Bush have a reputation of beeing a "cow boy" ready to take off his colt on anybody moving to secure is image of President....
                  It is a pity that it cannot be a war like the one between the "Horaces and the Curiaces" in Rom : just puting Ben Laden and Bush with two colts and let them have a good explanation !!!
                  What happened in USA makes me really sorry and depressed, but there are also innocent people in Afghanistan (all those poor women reduced by the talibans for example...) and if the attack is not quick and well centred, all the world will feel the results of terrorism. We have had some years ago terrorists actions in Paris.... it is terrible.

                  I really resent the fact that President Bush is seen as a "cowboy". I don't think that's the view of all of Europe. I can assure you
                  he is much more than that and to suggest that he and bin laden should just go head to head is ridiculous!! This is a world wide problem. This is not just "America vs. Afghanistan." There were other innocent people killed/murdered on Sept 11th and not all were Americans!!

                  [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 09-22-2001).]
                  'Truth and beauty joined'


                    Originally posted by Joy:
                    I really resent the fact that President Bush is seen as a "cowboy". I don't think that's the view of all of Europe. I can assure you
                    he is much more than that and to suggest that he and bin laden should just go head to head is ridiculous!! This is a world wide problem. This is not just "America vs. Afghanistan." There were other innocent people killed/murdered on Sept 11th and not all were Americans!!

                    [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 09-22-2001).]
                    Well, quite a few British were killed, but before all this I was happy to call Bush and Tony Blair lying superficial scum-bags. It would be hippocritical of me now to think otherwise. Bush's contempt for international treaties can be put aside, but not forgotten. Remember, every heroic speech these guys will make was written by somebody else, and every heroic order they will give was suggested to them by somebody else....thank God..... Off Subject a bit I I doubt the two leaders are into Beethoven...

                    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                      Originally posted by Rod:
                      Off Subject a bit I I doubt the two leaders are into Beethoven...

                      You're right - this is way off topic which is why I'm staying out of it - I'd rather Stout hadn't posted this topic in the first place, certainly not in the main forum. If anyone wants to continue it, please do so in the comments and suggestions forum. Thanks.

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'


                        As Beethoven himself hated war and soldiers... I feel myself in good "companie" !
                        Today I have heard "Christus am Ölberg, the 7th and the Fantaisie opus 80....



                          My apologies for posting this topic. It was, in my mind related to Beethoven in the fact that well, people were playing Beethoven for memorials and etc,.
                          However, I know what I did I guess was wrong and I am sorry.


                            Originally posted by Peter:
                            You're right - this is way off topic which is why I'm staying out of it - I'd rather Stout hadn't posted this topic in the first place, certainly not in the main forum. If anyone wants to continue it, please do so in the comments and suggestions forum. Thanks.
                            Thank you. I'd rather not continue it!!
                            'Truth and beauty joined'


                              Originally posted by stout:
                              My apologies for posting this topic. It was, in my mind related to Beethoven in the fact that well, people were playing Beethoven for memorials and etc,.
                              However, I know what I did I guess was wrong and I am sorry.

                              I understand that Stout, but there was already a thread where this was being discussed.

                              'Man know thyself'
                              'Man know thyself'

