I do not believe that my mind is the only one that shares these feelings of anger, agression, depression, and violence!
How could something like this happen in America?
I must say to all that Joy is indeed right. The 9th finale is joy-triumph. And in the hour of our grief the 5th would have been perfect. Especially the 1st movement. Though it is different circumstances all together, I feel like Napeloean has bombed Vienna and I am in the shelter holding pillows over my ears! This creates inspiration!!!!!
To write a symphony that is depressing and anger with all sound-however, at the end-we all united together will be triumphant music.
My condolcnes to all thoses who have lost. Revenge will be met and from this, we all will rise from the ashes of destruction.
We will seize this enemy by the throat and bring him to proper justice.
How could something like this happen in America?
I must say to all that Joy is indeed right. The 9th finale is joy-triumph. And in the hour of our grief the 5th would have been perfect. Especially the 1st movement. Though it is different circumstances all together, I feel like Napeloean has bombed Vienna and I am in the shelter holding pillows over my ears! This creates inspiration!!!!!
To write a symphony that is depressing and anger with all sound-however, at the end-we all united together will be triumphant music.
My condolcnes to all thoses who have lost. Revenge will be met and from this, we all will rise from the ashes of destruction.
We will seize this enemy by the throat and bring him to proper justice.