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Cardiff Singer of the world

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    Cardiff Singer of the world

    The prestigious singing competition is now underway, with Dame Kiri te kanawa joining the judges - of course a notable absentee who was associated with the competition for many years is Dame Joan Sutherland - further details:
    'Man know thyself'

    Unfortunately I missed the first round (and so missed the winner - a Russian mezzo who was excellent, apparently).

    By the incredibly high standards of this competition, the second round was a little disappointing although the winner - an English soprano - had real (on and off-stage) personality.

    The third round was stunning in which any one of four singers would grace the final. The last two - a soprano from Moldova and a baritone from the Ukraine - were in their very different ways quite superb. My guess is that both will get to the final unless tonight's final round produces something even more outstanding.

    As to the 'performance' of the BBC, so scathingly and justifiably criticised here and elsewhere for its presentation of a piano competition recently, the result was reasonable - 8 out of 10.

    The fear that the audience won't 'stay with it' is still there (hence the constant cutting away to off-stage interviews and the whizzy and far too long introduction) but at least we hear the entire performances and there are a few experts - Mary King, in particular - who offer valuable comments.


    PS. You can see clips of all the competitors so far here
    Last edited by Euan Mackinnon; 06-17-2011, 07:22 AM. Reason: To add URL


      I don't have a telly, but thanks to the clips on the link given by Euan I can enjoy listening. I have yet to listing to all the clips, So far, I rather loved Meeta Raval's performance.
      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        What a final!

        In my opinion, and on the evidence of the rounds, any one of four could win it as could two of the competitors who were eliminated.



          Originally posted by Euan Mackinnon View Post
          What a final!

          In my opinion, and on the evidence of the rounds, any one of four could win it as could two of the competitors who were eliminated.

          Yes, but I think they chose the wrong competitor last night - the American had a far more beautiful voice than the korean in my opinion. The sound was much fuller and well rounded - I found the Korean too shrill and thin in tone, but there you are!
          'Man know thyself'

