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    You guys know where I can download
    a free software that inable one to write
    music on the computer and print the
    final product.
    I will be happy If I can obtain it, but
    I can't seem to find one .

    [This message has been edited by Doink (edited 08-09-2001).]

    Originally posted by Doink:
    You guys know where I can download
    a free software that inable one to write
    music on the computer and print the
    final product.
    I will be happy If I can obtain it, but
    I can't seem to find one .

    [This message has been edited by Doink (edited 08-09-2001).]
    I remember looking this at some music catologe five months ago...I can't think of the name.


      Try searching or - they may have some. The one I use I had to pay about $500 for, so the good ones can get expensive. Finale is probably the most popular notation editor out there, but you can bet it will set you back at least $500. Anything you can get for free is not going to be all that great, honestly.


        Originally posted by Chris:
        Try searching or - they may have some. The one I use I had to pay about $500 for, so the good ones can get expensive. Finale is probably the most popular notation editor out there, but you can bet it will set you back at least $500. Anything you can get for free is not going to be all that great, honestly.
        There must be something out there. I have some cheap software on my old amiga that allows you to compose music and have it printed in full score, I've written a few masterpieces myself on it, and the scores look great (which is more than I can say for the music itself). These days there must be something 10 times better at a reasonable price.


          It depends on what you consider good enough. As I said, there are options out there, but nothing free on the level of Finale that I know of. Those two sites I mentioned should have something and certainly have demos of the better programs.


            <Font Color="Green"> I own a program called Print Music 2000. It was created by the same people as Finale, and although perhaps not as advanced, it gets the job done, and is much cheaper. I got mine for around $51, which was about 25% off the origional price, I think. </Font>

            <font color="red">Bob</Font>
            <font color="Orange">

            Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.
            Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.


              You could try Noteworthy Composer....they have a 30 day free trial (purchase price is around $40.US) I downloaded the trial last winter and then forgot about it, only looked at it once, sheesh, and now , of course it's gone. So I can't say if its any good, but probably worth a try. A recommended title I have heard often is 'Cakewalk'. Not free, but well under the $500. mark!


              oops, almost forgot the website,


                Well, thanks anyway,
                is one the most worse site to download
                free softwares. Full a load of
                sharewares, unheard patches for unheard
                games. Well, It's hard to find anything
                free on the internet without a hard time
                tampering with search engines with far
                from good results.


                  Well, thanks anyway,
                  is one the most worse site to download
                  free softwares. Full a load of
                  sharewares, unheard patches for unheard
                  games. Well, It's hard to find anything
                  free on the internet without a hard time
                  tampering with search engines with far
                  from good results.


                    Originally posted by Susan:
                    You could try Noteworthy Composer....they have a 30 day free trial (purchase price is around $40.US) I downloaded the trial last winter and then forgot about it, only looked at it once, sheesh, and now , of course it's gone. So I can't say if its any good, but probably worth a try. A recommended title I have heard often is 'Cakewalk'. Not free, but well under the $500. mark!


                    oops, almost forgot the website,
                    Is the download on this site for free? I'm going to try it.


                      you could try downloading any free trial of a music editor over there and when the evaluation period is over, go to <font color = #00FF00> URL deleted </font> and download a crack for the program, so you can use it forever, and free!!!
                      this may be illegal but you save lots of money!!!

                      [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 09-17-2001).]


                        Don't be a thief. If you like a program, then pay for it. Somebody worked hard to create it, and it's not fair to cheat them out of earning something for it. It takes more effort to create a music notation program on the level of Finale than it does to create a symphony, so kindly show some respect to the creators.


                          Chris, I agree totally with what you are saying !


