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Arvo Pärt , Modernist or Medievalist

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    Arvo Pärt , Modernist or Medievalist

    I always think of Adams as a minimalist. Many would say that Arvo Pärt is also minimalist. But what I cannot account for is the vast difference in both composers. Is it that one of them is religious and the other isn't .
    I quite like Adams, but I really like Arvo Pärt's mArvo Pärtusic. I just don't know how Pärt can summon up such a powerful, spiritual sense from just a few notes repeated.
    What do others think?
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

    I quite like some of his music but I thought the 4th symphony which premiered last year a disappointment. I don't know mArvo Pärtusic but will seek it out!
    'Man know thyself'


      Ooh, Arvo Pärt I know well. I think the difference between Adams and Pärt is not the religious aspect, Megan, though I can see why both are considered "minimalist". I have to tell you that I have stipulated Pärt's "Fratres" (either violin and piano or 'cello and piano) to be played at my funeral (ideally live by friends, or CD if no friends available). My funeral music also includes music by Beethoven and Bach. See, I can't do Desert Island Discs, but I can do the music for my funeral, which given recent revelations, is probably not so far away.


        I do think you are serious Philip. I did listen to Pärt's "Fratres", It is rather beautiful!
        Gil Shaham on violin.

        Does the 'Fratres', Mean Fraternity in the religious sense, Or is it a call to prayer?
        Last edited by Megan; 04-19-2011, 09:05 PM.
        ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


          Originally posted by Megan View Post
          I do think you are serious Philip. I did listen to Pärt's "Fratres", It is rather beautiful!
          Gil Shaham on violin.

          Does the 'Fratres', Mean Fraternity in the religious sense, Or is it a call to prayer?

          I am serious.


            Originally posted by Philip View Post
            I am serious.
            I am sure you will live to a ripe old age and have many more wonderful years of music ahead of you before that event.
            The old dragon here will probably be watching over you. That's if I ever make it out of purgatory!
            Last edited by Megan; 04-22-2011, 01:46 PM.
            ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


              Originally posted by Megan View Post
              I am sure you will live to a ripe old age and have many more wonderful years of music ahead of you before that event.
              The old dragon here will probably be watching over you. That's if I ever make it out of purgatory!
              Ripe old age? I fear not, but it is not a problem for me. Dragon? Well, when I look at pictures of ancient maps I often read "Beware, for here be dragons". You've got me mapped out, that's for sure, Megan!
              See you in Hell (as purgatory is only for catholics!). Or rather, see you at "the Mother of all Barbecues", yes?


                I'm not at home, so I can't find the relevant source(s), but I read recently in the Guardian that Pärt recently composed a new piece (voice + piano) for the Pope.

