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Lorin Maazel responds to my query about LvB

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    Lorin Maazel responds to my query about LvB

    In an unusual moment, Lorin Maazel, famed former chief at the NY Phil, asked his Twitter followers today if they wanted to pop him a question. I responded by asking which single movement of Beethoven he considered his personal favorite. A few minutes later he tweeted a reply. A very fine choice, but a surprise, for me, coming from an orchestra conductor. Here it is:

    @ MaestroMaazel @GregMitch The slow movement of the Spring Sonata for Violin and Piano. #askaconductor

    BTW, my own favorite version of that by Milstein.

    That is indeed two surprises - a quick response and a strange one, lovely though that movement is. I'd find it impossible to answer the question!
    'Man know thyself'


      Often I've told people that the 2nd movement of the 5th Piano Concerto is my favorite, but like Peter, it is a difficult question and often it happens to be whichever movement I might be listening to at the moment.


        Interesting. It's nice to be able to ask the pros questions.

        I'd have said the first movement of the fourth symphony, myself.

