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did Bach and Handel ever meet?

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    Originally posted by Peter View Post
    It is simply that there is no firm evidence either way. I think it highly likely they did meet as it was Beethoven's purpose in travelling to Vienna to study with Mozart and in the brief time he was there he would surely have sought Mozart out?
    Surely though, there would be some kind of an account, from someone, had the two great geniuses met? And there is not. None of Beethoven's friends nor acquaintances, etc.- ever mentioned a meeting with Mozart- nor, Beethoven himself?
    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


      Originally posted by Preston View Post
      Surely though, there would be some kind of an account, from someone, had the two great geniuses met? And there is not. None of Beethoven's friends nor acquaintances, etc.- ever mentioned a meeting with Mozart- nor, Beethoven himself?
      There are accounts. Carl Czerny states "In later years Beethoven told me that he had often heard Mozart play". Carl Holz states "When he was a boy, Beethoven was taken to Mozart, whereupon he improvised."
      I'm certain they met as it was the sole purpose of his visit to Vienna in 1787, obviously though he wasn't there long enough to study with Mozart.
      'Man know thyself'

