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Master Class

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    Master Class

    There is (was) a TV series on HBO called "Master Class." Young students of the arts are selected to study with the greats in their field. I found this series after it was over, but it is available now "on demand" from my cable company. So far, I've seen Placido Domingo teaching young aspiring opera students about life as well as opera; Liv Ullmann coaching drama students; and Edward Albee teaching aspiring high-school-aged writers. Still to be seen, I think I saw an advance clip of Michael Tilson-Thomas.

    I remember hearing something about this program. That sounds interesting!


      On YouTube, there is a master class with Jasha Heifetz. He is playing a Beethoven string quartet, very rare because Heifetz never recorded a Beethoven string quartet.
      "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


        Originally posted by Hofrat View Post
        On YouTube, there is a master class with Jasha Heifetz. He is playing a Beethoven string quartet, very rare because Heifetz never recorded a Beethoven string quartet.
        Interesting Hofrat. Do you have a link? Actually, just the other day I was listening to Heifetz play Bach's Violin Sonata #1 on YT (youtube). Then I was comparing it to Milstein's interpretation. I did not listen as closely as I should have, though the little attention I payed to their playing techniques of the sonata were similar in feeling, in a sense. I only bring this up because it sounded as if the recording Heifetz did, came first, and then perhaps Milstein was moved by it and worked some of Heifetz's interpretation into his on. Also, I bring it up because it seems to be rare to hear such a similar feeling when concerning the recordings of this sonata I have heard. Though, as I said I should have payed more attention to the recordings. Therefore, I am not entirely sure about the similar interpretations. One thing, is that in parts, if I remember correctly, Heifetz used more sustained notes where as Milstein didn't. It just seemed like they had similar thoughts towards the piece.
        - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


          Sorry, Preston, I do not have the link. Just put "Heifetz" in the search box on YouTube and wade through it.

          Heifetz did record Beethoven's string trios.
          "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


            Thank you, Hofrat.
            - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

