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Composition Quiz

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    Originally posted by gprengel View Post
    How about 2 new very interesting pieces for our quiz?

    The first is one of the most expressing song/aria I know!

    To guess the composers should not be too difficult ...

    piece 17 is the last of the 4 Letzte Lieder by Strauss, "Im Abendrot" in my preferred version with Schwartzkopf/RSO Berlin/Szell

    piece 18 shows how great an influence this composer consciously or unconsciously was for Beethoven: Cherubini's Der Wasserträger


      Whow, Roehre, this answer was as quick as correct! You even recognised the singer ...


        Roehre, I really respect your opinion and knowledge. This morning I've been listening to LvB's "Hammerklavier" again, and following the Henle Verlag score. Recently I've been listening a lot of late LvB - Missa, String Quartets, "Diabelli", Sonatas 30+ and late Impromptus and Symph. 9. But there is NOTHING like the "Hammerklavier" IMO. The 3rd movement (Adagio) and 4th (Largo et al) are both unbelievable. I have a rather hard-driven performance by Pollini (I must get another - do you have a recommendation?). I started listening to it again, firstly, late last night and began thinking that calling this "music" was somehow inadequate. (The image I had in my mind was the Michaelangelo fresco on the Sistine Chapel ceiling!!). My husband was reading the paper this morning whilst I was playing it and I asked "what do you think of this?" He said, "OK, yep good" (but he wasn't really listening - it was there in the background). I got to thinking that this is musician's music. I'm actually at a loss for words to describe the experience of listening to it (which is uncharacteristic!) and "listening to music" seems inadequate somehow. Do you understand what I'm saying, or am I mad!! What are YOUR thoughts.
        Last edited by Bonn1827; 04-30-2010, 11:28 PM.


          Bonn1827 aksed me to continue with my quiz, ok here we go...
          I present to you 3 most wonderful gems which mean very much to me:


          Who are the composers and what are the works?



            Originally posted by gprengel View Post
            Bonn1827 aksed me to continue with my quiz, ok here we go...
            I present to you 3 most wonderful gems which mean very much to me:


            Who are the composers and what are the works?

            20 and 21 are very Mozart-like, 20 most likely Mozart, 21 possibly.
            22 ???


              No. 20 is probably an early Sinfonia Concertante, or similar, by Mozart. Haven't listened to the other two yet.


                Only listened to the first one so far - I think it's a Mozart violin concerto, but not one of the standard 5 so it could be a fragment but I actually think it's later rather than early Mozart. Will attempt the other files later!
                'Man know thyself'


                  This is my 1,000th posting to this forum.

                  As for the latest music quiz, if I would hazzard a quess on piece 20, I would say Mozart's sinfonie concertante for violin, viola, 'cello and orchestra K.320e from 1779 (fragment).

                  As for piece 21, it sounds like a concerto for piano and violin. Not too many of them around. Viotti, Pleyel, Hummel, and Mendelssohn all wrote one in this genre. We can rule out Hummel (his slow movement is a theme and variations). We can rule out Mendelssohn because it sounds too Mozartian. That leaves Viotti and Pleyel. I choose Viotti because more of his works have been recorded.

                  Have I wasted my 1,000th posting??
                  "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


                    Originally posted by Hofrat View Post
                    This is my 1,000th posting to this forum.

                    As for the latest music quiz, if I would hazzard a quess on piece 20, I would say Mozart's sinfonie concertante for violin, viola, 'cello and orchestra K.320e from 1779 (fragment).

                    As for piece 21, it sounds like a concerto for piano and violin. Not too many of them around. Viotti, Pleyel, Hummel, and Mendelssohn all wrote one in this genre. We can rule out Hummel (his slow movement is a theme and variations). We can rule out Mendelssohn because it sounds too Mozartian. That leaves Viotti and Pleyel. I choose Viotti because more of his works have been recorded.

                    Have I wasted my 1,000th posting??
                    congratulations on your 1000th, Hofrat

                    20 is not the Sinfonia concertante KV320e/Anh.104.
                    As I only listened to the first bars I thought it was Mozart. I didn't listen to the very end, so I wasn't able to identify the concert straight away (there are only some 35 genuine of them ). Gerd cheekily cuts the fragment just before a second solo instrument enters the musical discourse: a piano.
                    It is another mozartian fragment: the incomplete concerto for violin and piano in D KV315f/Anh.56

                    21 is a work by Mendelssohn: Concerto for piano, violin and strings in d-minor from 1823

                    For 22 I still haven't got an idea.. It could be one of Mendelssohn's Chorale cantatas.
                    Last edited by Roehre; 05-18-2010, 11:39 AM.


                      Roehre, congratulations again, 100% correct regarding the first 2 pieces!
                      Gerd cheekily cuts the fragment just before a second solo instrument enters the musical discourse: a piano.
                      Yes, I had fun in doing this, otherwise it may have been too easy. The famous Mozart scholar Einstein said, that among Mozart's concerto fragments this one is the greatest loss that Mozart didn't finish it. Indeed this is true!!
                      But I got this movement in a completed version on CD and I just love it - KV315f!!

                      The second piece indeed is from Mendelssohn - composed at an age of 14 years! What a gem! Take time to get into it ...

                      No one knows the 3rd piece? One of my dearest pieces of spiritual music...



                        No one knows the 3rd piece? As Roehre assumed, of course it is again the genius of Mendelssohn with the chorus "Verleih uns Frieden ewiglich" (Grant us peace eternally). In case anybody wants to study the score:



                          Originally posted by gprengel View Post
                          No one knows the 3rd piece? As Roehre assumed, of course it is again the genius of Mendelssohn with the chorus "Verleih uns Frieden ewiglich" (Grant us peace eternally). In case anybody wants to study the score:

                          Thanks very much for sharing these Gerd, really wonderful and amazing how much of this music has been neglected.
                          'Man know thyself'


                            How about these?

                   - a great example of Italian opera



                              Originally posted by gprengel View Post
                              How about these?

                     - a great example of Italian opera

                              Oops, Italian opera - my great weakness....

                              25 is Haydn's Symphony no.31 "Mit dem Hornsignal"

                              24 could be Verdi, becaus of that little figure at 2.05-2.10 of the recording, but as usual in this type of music I not really have got a clue.....
                              Last edited by Roehre; 05-19-2010, 10:50 PM.


                                I second Roehre on Haydn's "Horn Signal" symphony.
                                "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"

