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Beethoven in Movies

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    Yes, the writer of Copying Beethoven came to this forum often when he was writing the film.


      Originally posted by Chris View Post
      Yes, the writer of Copying Beethoven came to this forum often when he was writing the film.
      Yes and I was hopeful that we would be getting a very realistic film as we were providing all sorts of information, even down to the popular tavern music and chin rests for violins! Then of course came the bombshell that there was to be a fictional character introduced - I'm not sure how much influence we had, but I can take credit for one thing and that is the actor Nicholas Jones who plays Archduke Rudolph was my suggestion, but I wasn't paid by him for acting as his agent!
      'Man know thyself'


        I used quite a bit of the 9th in my short film as well as a loop.

        I'm also writing another script which has the 9th as a thread running through it as well as a scene of German POWs in Japan during WW1 playing parts of the 9th.
        See. Feel. Paint.


          Originally posted by Peter View Post
          Yes and I was hopeful that we would be getting a very realistic film as we were providing all sorts of information, even down to the popular tavern music and chin rests for violins! Then of course came the bombshell that there was to be a fictional character introduced - I'm not sure how much influence we had, but I can take credit for one thing and that is the actor Nicholas Jones who plays Archduke Rudolph was my suggestion, but I wasn't paid by him for acting as his agent!
          If I recall, Archduke Rudolph was played as a bit of a buffoon and he came across as one of Beethoven's detractors instead of his friend and patron. I found this arbitrary touch far more annoying than the fictitious copyist (and let's face it, she was a distinct improvement on Schlemmer!).

          The screenwriter did post extensively in this forum and made it clear that they wouldn't get the money without a little sex appeal, so they went overboard and got Helen of Troy!

          The film also suffers from its "plot" construction. Placing the premiere of the Ninth symphony in the middle of your movie is bound to lead to an anti-climax (in cinematic terms). Even Beethoven dictating his late string quartets from his deathbed (shamelessly stolen from "Amadeus") doesn't help. The whole thing fizzles out towards the end.

          However, the film is beautifully photographed (see it on Blu-Ray if you can). And whoever composed the score should have got a posthumous Oscar.


            Originally posted by terry View Post
            In a recent interview, Oldman -candidate at the Oscars, at last - was asked which character he would have liked to be named for in his, and he (unexpectedly, to me) quoted Beethoven. I'm glad he appreciated it.Don't know, sometimes I thought he starred in that movie for less noble reasons, even if he did his best. bye
            That is great! I thought he was an excellent Beethoven at times in the movie - really reminded of Beethoven. It is a shame the story wasn't more "documentative".
            Originally posted by Ludwign3bs View Post
            Has anyone seen COPYING BEETHOVEN? Ed Harris is awesome as LVB. It's basically about LVB's life during his composing of the 9th Symphony and the Grosse Fuge. Tears came to my eyes many times throughout the film. Experiencing the premiere of both works was especially rewarding.
            Yes, I have and I thought it was mockery, in a sense. Ed Harris as Beethoven? He did not even remind me of Beethoven. The story (which was ridiculous, as Roehre pointed out) was better, imo, than Ed Harris as Beethoven. Ed Harris is "too stable" or something? to play the eccentric Beethoven.
            - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


              Originally posted by Preston View Post
              Ed Harris as Beethoven? He did not even remind me of Beethoven. The story (which was ridiculous, as Roehre pointed out) was better, imo, than Ed Harris as Beethoven. Ed Harris is "too stable" or something? to play the eccentric Beethoven.
              I thought Ed Harris was good enough. He resisted the temptation to shout all over the place but he did have to play a few ridiculous scenes - one of them involving a vulgar pun on the Moonlight Sonata (which didn't acquire that nickname until after Beethoven's death."


                Ed Harris is a fine actor and I thought he was capable of making a fine Beethoven. But the writer and director also have input into a character, so it's hard to know whose fault it is if something goes wrong.


                  Originally posted by Michael View Post
                  I thought Ed Harris was good enough. He resisted the temptation to shout all over the place but he did have to play a few ridiculous scenes - one of them involving a vulgar pun on the Moonlight Sonata (which didn't acquire that nickname until after Beethoven's death."
                  True. Though, I am thinking that it is more of his aura in the movie - his aura reminded me nothing of Beethoven.?
                  - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                    I enjoyed it. If you see the DVD with the deleted scenes, it clarifies Anna's relationship with Martin.


                      Interesting comments re: COPYING BEETHOVEN. I loved it - especially the premiere of the 9th. I realize it wasn't historically accurate, but it was probably as close as we'll ever get in the movies.

