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Proms Alert

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    Proms Alert

    Next Saturday, 22nd August, at 8.10pm, BBC 2 are broadcasting a live Proms performance of "Fidelio". Daniel Barenboim conducts the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra with a cast of international singers.
    This, of course, will be a concert performance.
    While I'm at it, did anybody see this:

    Thanks Michael I shall certainly be listening to the proms on saturday and tonight - Barenboim is conducting Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique which I think when played by a first rate youth orchestra such as the Divan can be truly thrilling and exciting - it's young, wild music! You can keep the ukuleles!
    'Man know thyself'


      Right, Peter. In case I didn't make it clear, "Fidelio" is being broadcast on BBC Television (BBC 2) as well as Radio 3.


        Thanks Michael. I'm afraid I'm with Peter about the ukuleles


          Slightly off-topic, but I am just watching a performance of Beethoven's Ninth on the Sky Arts channel. I have paused it between movements (due to the wonders of Sky plus) but I am absolutely enthralled by the visual experience. I have seen umpteen performances of the Ninth, but this one - by the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, conducted by You Know Who, has a visual input that is unique. The members of the orchestra are living the Ninth. I don't usually watch Beethoven performances on TV as usually the orchestral players look as if they are going to fall asleep any moment, but these guys are living it! Ah, to be young!
          Anyway, I am looking forward to Saturday!
          (Also, the X factor is starting up again on the same night. You can be snobbish about it but it's great fun. If you think Beethoven wouldn't approve, you would be wrong. Just look at the sublime last movement of the Ninth, when the chorus sings out the word "Gott!" and is followed by silence - and then a bassoon fart. Excuse my language, but Beethoven intended to bring us down to earth with a bang!
          This world is a mixture of the sacred and profane, and nobody knew it better than our boy!
          (The fact that I have had several glasses of wine should in no way reflect on the integrity of this posting. Except for the spelling, which I can't be bothered to check.)


            Programme notes are also available from the Proms website, unfortunately to view only and not for download.

            Must it must be


              Excellent performance from Barenboim, the Divan orchestra and some superb soloists last night - Fidelio does seem to work very well as a concert performance probably because there is so little action in the opera and you can really focus on the terrific music.
              'Man know thyself'


                Yes, indeed. I was taken aback by the decision to open with Leonore 3. It's such a great piece it has the effect of making the opera superfluous - as Beethoven himself decided. However, it worked in the concert hall - especially as Barenboim switched around the two opening numbers. After that massive overture, the opera buffa style of the duet would really have jarred.
                (Actually, that was the original running order of the earlier versions of Fidelio).
                I thought the choir and soloists were marvellous and Barenboim (literally) bent over backwards - giving an acting performance as well - and all without a score (as far as I could see).

