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Bust of Beethoven by Franz Klein

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    Bust of Beethoven by Franz Klein

    I have read that when this life mask was done that the first one cracked and the entire process had to be repeated. I ordered a copy of this life mask which is true in likeness but weak in detail. If any soul out there knows where the bust made from that mask resides and if there are replicas that can be purchased I would be eternally gratefull.
    The bust was made at the height of the master's career during the preperation of the concert featuring the 7th symphony and Wellinton's Victory. Perhaps the scowl was from the second sitting of the plaster mask.
    Ronald Kidd

    Ronald A. Kidd
    Ronald A. Kidd

    As far as I am aware the bust was made 2 years earlier than you suggest - 1812. It was commissioned by the piano manufacturer Andreas Streicher and as you say the first attempt at a mask failed - Beethoven thought he would suffocate under the wet gypsum. As far as I am aware a copy is in the Beethoven haus Bonn, but I'm not certain about the original.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by verichini:
      I have read that when this life mask was done that the first one cracked and the entire process had to be repeated. I ordered a copy of this life mask which is true in likeness but weak in detail. If any soul out there knows where the bust made from that mask resides and if there are replicas that can be purchased I would be eternally gratefull.
      The bust was made at the height of the master's career during the preperation of the concert featuring the 7th symphony and Wellinton's Victory. Perhaps the scowl was from the second sitting of the plaster mask.
      Ronald Kidd
      As Peter says the bust (and it is the original) is in the Beethoven-Haus, Bonn. I think the bust has more of a scowl than the life mask.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        Dear Peter,
        Do you have an address, phone or email on the Beethoven haus? Surely there are replicas for sale somewhere on the face of this planet. Perhaps if I could speak to the curator he or she would offer some information on the subject>
        Ronald Kidd
        Ronald A. Kidd


          Originally posted by verichini:
          Dear Peter,
          Do you have an address, phone or email on the Beethoven haus? Surely there are replicas for sale somewhere on the face of this planet. Perhaps if I could speak to the curator he or she would offer some information on the subject>
          Ronald Kidd
          You can try emailing Claudie (a professor at the Beethovenhaus) at this address.

          Let us know if she's able to help!

          'Man know thyself'
          'Man know thyself'



            Whilst on the topic of museums Peter, you may be interested to know the Handel-House is now at long last scheduled to open in November, the 18th I think, but definitely November.

            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

            [This message has been edited by Peter (edited 07-31-2001).]


              Originally posted by Rod:
              Whilst on the topic of museums Peter, you may be interested to know the Handel-House is now at long last scheduled to open in November, the 18th I think, but definitely November.

              I am indeed interested - that's great news and long overdue.

              'Man know thyself'
              'Man know thyself'


                Originally posted by verichini:
                I ordered a copy of this life mask which is true in likeness but weak in detail. If any soul out there knows where the bust made from that mask resides and if there are replicas that can be purchased I would be eternally gratefull.

                I too have a replica that is weak in detail --, right?

                Last year I went to Vienna and in a music museum I saw what (I thought) had to be the real thing -- it had details galore! You could make out all the dimples, pockmarks, acne-scars, etc. I saw for the first time that the Master had this big, jagged, scar-like protrusion on his chin -- not sure if that was from smallpox or what. I know that he suffered many ailments as a child which contributed to his less than stellar complexion.

                Yet despite the "coarseness" of his face, I also saw an image of incredible strength. That's the only word I know -- Strength. I mean the way his jaw was so firmly set, his brow, the whole thing. Just an extraordinary face.

                It's humbling to see. Too often the Greats are way too romanticized in paintings and
                sculpture. Awesome to see a Realistic portrayal.

                Unfortuately, I'm embarrassed to say I don't recall the name of the museum nor was I able to find out if it truly was THE REAL one. It sure looked like real one to me! My only gripe now is that I didn't sneak a picture of it. No flashes! No flashes! was the constant

                I'm still kicking myself for not taking a picture. Next time I'm gonna just blow an entire roll of film -- and if those Viennese try to arrest me -- I'll just blow out the back way to my getaway car while yelling: "Beethoven Forever!" Next time, next time...

                PS -- Please let me know if you find anything better in way of replicas!

                [This message has been edited by euphony131 (edited 07-27-2001).]


                  Originally posted by euphony131:

                  Unfortuately, I'm embarrassed to say I don't recall the name of the museum nor was I able to find out if it truly was THE REAL one. It sure looked like real one to me! My only gripe now is that I didn't sneak a picture of it. No flashes! No flashes! was the constant

                  from the detail you describe it seems like you were looking at the original. The copies have a much smother skin profile than the original.

                  "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                    After visiting hundreds of web sites looking for busts of the master, I've come to the conclusion that there is no exact replica of the one done by Franz Klein. That work is truly the only sculpture that bears an exact rendering of Beethoven...all others are distorted and mostly worked up after the master,s death from memory or portraits.
                    With today's technology a bust could be made from either the life mask or the actual statue without having to touch either piece.
                    (Just think about the T Rex in Jurasic Park.) Simple marketing would result in high sales if it was pointed out that this bust of Beethoven is the only one that actually looks exactly like the master at the hight of his fame.
                    Again, if anyone has seen this exact replical of the Franz Klein Beethoven, please email me with details.
                    Ronald Kidd
                    Ronald A. Kidd


                      Originally posted by verichini:

                      With today's technology a bust could be made from either the life mask or the actual statue without having to touch either piece.
                      Must get his hair, and collar right as well however.

                      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                        Originally posted by Rod:
                        Must get his hair, and collar right as well however.

                        Something he wasn't too fussy about!

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by Peter:
                          Something he wasn't too fussy about!

                          I think he was fussy about he collars. Hair and collar on my bust are a little romantic in styling, collar undone which is not typical of B.

                          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                            Hi Euphony,
                            Do you know the variation movement in the c sharp minor quartet (Opus 131)? The climax of the theme is composed with such a sweet yearning phrase. What always moves me is that during all but the last variation this sweet spot is rendered subdued and then at the climax of the last variation Beethoven gives us this phrase again but intensified.
                            It is his humor to give candy and then tease you with it for a long time. Then when you are about to lose your patience, finally laughs and gives the entire box.
                            His music has never failed to thump and bump me.
                            Hope to hear from you and anyone else.
                            Ron Kidd
                            Director of piano
                            Woodward Academy

                            Ronald A. Kidd
                            Ronald A. Kidd


                              Dear Peter,

                              Thank you for calling me a "professor at the Beethoven Haus", but I am just a member and correspondant !
                              Anyway, they sell copies of the 1812's mask and the death mask either. They have the Klein's Bust.
                              But for the bust they sell little pieces which are not the same as the Klein's one (more hairs, strange curved nose, angry eyes... and cast or... plastic !).

                              The Beethoven Haus is easy to find on the net. Try
                              they prepare a virtual Beethoven Haus. It will be ready next year. You can order some items by mail but not a lot... If you have a problem mail me !


