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Pop Quiz

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    Pop Quiz

    The soundtrack to "The Soloist" is available from Amazon (see below). There are 15 tracks on the CD and all but one are by Beethoven. I thought it would make an amusing quiz for our members to see if they can identify the pieces.
    When you reach the Amazon site, scroll down to the MP3 samples and you will hear a short snippet of each track. (Hit the "Preview All" button). I'm afraid there isn't any prize except the feeling of smug satisfaction you will get when you have identified them all.

    I found the Bach - surely a special prize for the mystery composer?!
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by Philip
      Cello suite n° 1, Prélude. But then I should at least know that one!
      And there's another cello piece in there you should know!


        Full marks. You and Peter get the first "smug satisfaction" award!


          Originally posted by Philip
          As I have mentioned elsewhere, in terms of an 'honorary' it is only the cash that counts. Sorry to be so venal / mercenary. But I do not yet deserve any prize : there is still one extract that I only half recognise. I shan't which one say until I have found it...
          11 or 13 ?


            Number 1 is from a movement that appears more than once in the quiz.
            (And you're assuming I know all the answers. You're right).
            Last edited by Michael; 04-24-2009, 09:33 PM. Reason: Too much information


              I got No. 12! I'm so happy. It's the Eroica Funeral March, the fugue.


                Originally posted by Philip
                I meant to say, could you give a pointer : chamber work, orchestral...? It does sound like an "inner part" from one of his quartets, though. Damn you for this quiz!
                Total shame Philip and you'll smash your cello when you get the answer! Punishment to sit in silence for 4'33!
                'Man know thyself'


                  "Eroica" appears several times in the quiz.
                  "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


                    No. 10 is something I never thought I'd hear on the accordion!


                      Originally posted by Philip
                      So Michael baby, forget any honorary, where's the cash for identifying pitch discrepancies in your Pop Quiz?

                      Okay, Philip. Just send me full details of your bank account by private email. Oh, and I'll need your credit card details, just in case.

                      How's that for a pitch?


                        Originally posted by Philip
                        So, 'cello not smashed. As I got the pitch discrepancies bang on (you didn't, nah nah ni nah nah) I'll go and take my hammer to any Bechstein I happen to chance across.
                        Ah, here's one now...
                        Not so fast with that cheque, I can outsmug you - the original would have sounded more than a tone lower than that heard on Amazon. Double shame as well for not being able to recognise transposition on first hearing!
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by Philip
                          Although the Norrington HIP version I have is only about a semitone lower than today's "mainstream pitch". So, I outsmug even the outsmugger himself. I will now outsmug you again by cancelling your 25%. And I will smash up another priceless Bechstein. There's no stopping me now...
                          In your haste to outsmug my smugness you have misinterpreted my remarks -I said it would have been lower than a tone from the Amazon version, not from modern performing versions and I deliberately didn't specify an amount because that was variable from city to city. The cheque should now be sent in full for this further misdemeanour along with a pledge to smash the first Guarnerius you come across and send the bits to me so I can create a new artwork out of it and sell for more than the original!
                          'Man know thyself'


                            Originally posted by Philip
                            Understood, finally, your Smugness. I reinstate your 25%, but not a centime more, as it was I who pointed out the discrepancies in the first place. Or are you now going to tell us that you noticed?
                            You keep baiting my smugness to expand to monstrous levels! No lacking perfect pitch I didn't notice the transposition as I'd put it rather than discrepancies - identifying the key wasn't in Michael's remit - but I did recognise the excerpt which would have won the prize!
                            'Man know thyself'


                              I have decided to pay neither of you. Such wanton destruction of valuable musical instruments is not to be tolerated. What started out as an amusing little quiz has degenerated into musical mayhem!
                              And has anybody identified all the pieces yet?

