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Gregorian Chant

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    Gregorian Chant

    Does anyone know of any good recordings of Gregorian Chant by men without any organ accompaniment? I find it much more effective without organ, but it seems many of the popular recordings have an organ in there. I am particularly looking for settings of the Mass.

    You mean a capella - well I'm not sure about the mass but try this
    'Man know thyself'


      Yes, I have that one, as well as others by those fine monks, and they are very good, but the chants are actually not all a cappella, as it says. There is organ accompaniment for many of them.


        Hi Chris, I have two CD's which I enjoy one is the 'St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Chant Compendium Volume 3' with Mass Parts, Divine Office, and other Gregorian Chant Ecce Virgo (Communion), O Rex Gentium (Antiphon), etc. This has organ accompaniment not sure if you can find one without. Other CD is 'Gregorian Chant for Advent and Christmas in Latin and English' The Gregorian Schola Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Father Columba Kelly, OSB, Director which was recorded in the Archabbey Church at Saint Meinrad in Indiana. Not sure if these are still available but it might not hurt to take a look. Hope this helps.
        Last edited by Joy; 01-27-2009, 03:14 PM. Reason: sp
        'Truth and beauty joined'


          Chris, this is for you, contrary to Joy's assertion that it's hard to find such music without organ accompaniment; quite easy, in fact - I went to a part of my CD collection that has been collecting dust for too long now. Anyway, I'm sure you want the details.

          It's a 4-CD ARCHIV Production, title and contents as follows :

          The Tradition of Gregorian Chant, Forms and Styles.

          Disc 1 :
          Coro de Monjes de la Abadia de Montserrat, Responsoria ad Matutinum in Nativitate Domini iuxta ritum monasticum.

          Choralschola Des Klosters Maria Einsiedeln, Proprium Primae Missae in Nativitate, Proprium Missae in Epiphania Domini, Proprium Missae in Ascensione Domini.

          Disc 2 :
          Choralschola Der Abtei Münsterschwarzach, Dominica in Palmis, Proprium Missae.

          Choralschola Des Klosters Maria Einsiedeln, Proprium Missae in Dominica Resurrectionis.

          CD 3 :
          Choeur des Moines de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, Dedicatio Ecclesiae, Ad Missam, In I. Vesperis, Ad Matutinum, Ad Laudes, In II. Vesperis.

          Coro de Monjes de la Abadia de Santo Domingo de Silos, Old Spanish Chant.

          Disc 4 :
          Old Spanish Chant (cont.),

          Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Milano, Ambrosian Chant, Cantus Missarum, Cantus Officiorum.

          If you find it difficult to trace this CD collection, let me know via a private message and we'll see what can be done.
          Last edited by Quijote; 01-27-2009, 06:34 PM. Reason: A lot of Latin


            Thanks everyone, I'll look into some of these suggestions.

