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Curious Pianist's Gestures

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    In regards to other musicians, Yo Yo Ma the famous cellist comes to mind. Once at a concert he got so 'lost' in his music that he leaned so far back in his chair that he fell off the stage regaining his balance and got right back up on the stage and continued to play as if nothing happened.
    'Truth and beauty joined'


      Originally posted by Chris View Post
      What the heck are you talking about?
      I wasn't very clear there, was I? What I wanted to say is : I know you dislike the "moans" etc on your CDs (Gould, et al...); you probably agree that Beethoven was a very "gestural" player; Beethoven was very probably "a moaner" too when playing; if today Beethoven recorded a CD, he would be "a moaner"; ergo, you would not appreciate any live or studio performances by Beethoven were he alive today.

      My point is, really : ok you don't like the moans, but I feel they are an integral part of the spontaneity of music (so long as they are not "affected"). You have urged me to relax, Chris. May I urge you likewise?


        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        If I said that I didn't think I would be disinclined not to disagree with Philip, Chris, I would probably be wrong.
        Right !


          welll said Philip!!! :-)


            Yes, being succint is my forte. Thank you, anyway !
            Last edited by Quijote; 07-10-2008, 03:57 PM. Reason: punctuation


              your welcome lol


                Well, thank you again, Angel. Perhaps you are a pianist? What do you think about the issue of "gestures"? At the risk of boring certain forum members, can we not say that much of classical music (we know the period in question) derives much of its 'meaning' from "musical / instrumental gestures"?


                  Was not trilling and the use of other ornamental devices "gestures" of the Baroque period? Whether they be physical in terms of a performer's mannerisms or whether they be improvisational effects in the music they do indeed shape our perceptions of the music.


                    Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                    Was not trilling and the use of other ornamental devices "gestures" of the Baroque period? Whether they be physical in terms of a performer's mannerisms or whether they be improvisational effects in the music they do indeed shape our perceptions of the music.
                    I think I wasn’t clear enough in my use of the term “gesture”. I wasn’t referring to ornamentation or performer mannerisms. When I used the term “gesture” I was referring to what is in fact “idiomatic” of any given instrument (with certain caveats, of course).

                    For me, an instrumental (or even vocal) gesture is one that is “easily” articulated by that instrument, and seems “natural” to it. Having said that, this does not apply to contemporary composers who purposely set out to subvert this notion (Cf Berio, Ligeti and many others…), and with great effect.


                      Originally posted by Philip View Post
                      Well, thank you again, Angel. Perhaps you are a pianist? What do you think about the issue of "gestures"? At the risk of boring certain forum members, can we not say that much of classical music (we know the period in question) derives much of its 'meaning' from "musical / instrumental gestures"?
                      about the gesture is very odd... I thought I was the only one being criticised how I played, and being Mocked. Yes I get that all the time by idiots. My family and Friends they look at me different. I remember one time My own sister thinks I'm an expert.. it made me put a smile on my face.

