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Overlooking the Important: Beethoven's Birthday

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    Overlooking the Important: Beethoven's Birthday

    For as long as I've observed it, I have always celebrated Beethoven's birthday on the 17th of December...

    Actually, I was so sure his birthday was 17th December!

    Now I read this morning that, although we don't really know the date, most musical historians pinpoint the day as the 16th since Beethoven was actually baptized on the 17th!!!

    AUGH! I feel like Schroeder when he forgot Beethoven's birthday entirely! I'm still celebrating it today, anyway, but G's!!

    "He lays entombed in the sepulchre of immortality." -Anonymous

    "Wine is both necessary and good for me." -LVB


    Though I still feel like Schroeder, I am honored to have this part of my living space serve as a small memorial.

    We'll get it right next year
    "He lays entombed in the sepulchre of immortality." -Anonymous

    "Wine is both necessary and good for me." -LVB


      Originally posted by TiberiaClaudia View Post

      AUGH! I feel like Schroeder when he forgot Beethoven's birthday entirely! I'm still celebrating it today, anyway, but G's!!

      I have many 'Peanuts' books and I remember in one of them Schroeder holding up a sign that says 'Beethoven's birthday is December 17th'! Next panel: 'The 17th!' Final panel: 'The 17th that is!' And of course Lucy just shrugged! So Schoeder though it was the 17th as well. Happy Birthday Ludwig whenever it was!
      'Truth and beauty joined'


        If it's any comfort, Beethoven doesn't seem to have been entirely sure himself, and also thought he was born in 1772.


          Well, both your points, Joy and Gardibolt, do make me feel slightly better

          Funny thing is that my husband and I went to a big party the night of the 15th and pretty much stayed partying until the following day at 1PM, so there was a party!!

          Call me obsessive, but throughout the course of the evening and mornng I kept reminding myself about the upcoming 17th. Scary thought: If I'd have lived in Beethoven's time, I'd probably have been a stalker :S

          "He lays entombed in the sepulchre of immortality." -Anonymous

          "Wine is both necessary and good for me." -LVB


            First your name, now the picture. It is very funny, he really looks like the bust on Schroeder's piano!
            Here's a comics:
            Lucy:"Beet. never had a girl who whispered at him while he was playing?"
            S: "No, B never had a silly girl who annoyed him at the piano!!"
            L: "No?"
            S: " NOO!"
            L: "Poor B!"
            (well, this is my translation, perhaps you have the original strip and it sounds different)


              Ciao! Come stai?

              Don't know if that is correct, I married a second generation Sicilian and have picked up bits and pieces of the language from both him and my boss.

              My husband's family is from Montelepbre, my boss is from Borgetto, (sp?) and his wife is from Partenico (sp? again!).
              My husband's family names are Licari, Vitale, Guliano, and De Lorenzo.

              As for me...they've determined I'm reincarnated Italiana It is an honor

              Plus I've learned all the swear words

              I *love* Peanuts!! Especially the Beethoven strips... My favorites are the ones where Schroeder and Charlie Brown are going back and forth about who is cooler/better, Davy Crockett or LVB. There's a particularly touching one, after Schroeder forgets Beethoven's birthday where he slips into his piano room, looks at the floor for a bit, then raises his face to Beethoven's bust and wails "What can I say?"

              The other favorite is when Lucy smashes his bust and Schroeder simply goes to the closet to pick up another one...

              Piacere! Che vediamo dopo... (Lord knows if I spelled it correctly...your English is very good, by the way!)


              PS--The name is something I came up with based on Tiberius Claudius Nerone. I like ancient Roman history and have always been convinced that Tiberius was maligned unfairly. I also love his name. If I could legally change my name it would be "Tiberia Claudia Nerona." Unfortunately, I am not Italian but everyone thinks I am. I'll post a picture someday and you can judge for yourself, my boss says I look Siciliana.
              "He lays entombed in the sepulchre of immortality." -Anonymous

              "Wine is both necessary and good for me." -LVB

