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Good site for listening

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    Good site for listening

    This may or may not have been mentioned before, but I've been using the site to discover music I'm not familiar with, and I've found the site to be quite worthwhile. For $25/year USD one gets access (in "FM" quality) to the Naxos catalog, which includes a LOT of music
    Good way to discover new artists and pieces.

    Originally posted by al1432 View Post
    This may or may not have been mentioned before, but I've been using the site to discover music I'm not familiar with, and I've found the site to be quite worthwhile. For $25/year USD one gets access (in "FM" quality) to the Naxos catalog, which includes a LOT of music
    Good way to discover new artists and pieces.

    Can you download any of this and does it cost extra?


      Originally posted by Michael View Post
      Can you download any of this and does it cost extra?

      Seems not, Michael
      From their FAQ page:

      "Q: Is it possible to download the music or burn it to CD?
      A: No. It is not possible to download or burn to CD any music on Naxos Music Library. You can easily gain online access to the catalogue number of the disc you need, and purchase it at your local record store, or order it through our online retailers which you can find on the Distributors page on "

      They have two plans, very differently for $20/year, the other around $250/year. The latter offers CD quality, and playlists, but still no d/l.

      All in all it's still worthwhile IMO, especially the $20/year subscription, which is what I use. I've had opportunity to listen to things I otherwise would never have heard.


        I bought a book called "The NPR Listener's Encyclopedia of Classical Music". The book came with a code, I typed it in and registered and it gave me access to around 525 music selections through Naxos. I don't think that the mere 525 is anywhere around the complete Naxos collection, but just thought I would let y'all know.
        - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


          My local village library cooperates with other libraries in a county-wide system that includes about 18 libraries. Any book, CD or video in any of these libraries is available to me and will be delivered to my loval library if I order it up on my PC thru the internet. I can keep it out for three weeks and copy a CD and then return it. In this way I have access to almost all of the standard repertoire for free, although not necessarily in the versions and conductors I might choose. Anyone else have such a system available to them?
          See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


            Originally posted by Chaszz View Post
            My local village library cooperates with other libraries in a county-wide system that includes about 18 libraries. Any book, CD or video in any of these libraries is available to me and will be delivered to my loval library if I order it up on my PC thru the internet. I can keep it out for three weeks and copy a CD and then return it. In this way I have access to almost all of the standard repertoire for free, although not necessarily in the versions and conductors I might choose. Anyone else have such a system available to them?
            Hi Chaszz, yes, our library system does the same thing. Each library is connected with each other and I can call anyone and reserve a book, videos, etc. and they send it over to the library which is closest to me. It's a very convenient system. Same goes for the CD's and for the same time period too, three weeks.
            'Truth and beauty joined'


              I checked my local library and while I don't think they have this international deal, the did have some good books on Beethoven. So I checked one out. I haven't been to the public library in years. Thanks for bringing this up Chaszz.
              - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

