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Beethoven's Nightmare

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    Beethoven's Nightmare

    News Item:

    19th October.
    The Hawaii-based trio Beethoven’s Nightmare bill themselves as the world’s only all-deaf rock band. To paraphrase Chandler from Friends: “Too … many … jokes.” But don’t worry—they’ve already heard them all. Badum-tish. The band—who incoporate mime and sign language into their show—are playing as part of the “Independence Starts Here: A Festival of Disability Arts & Culture,” a citywide celebration of the artistic accomplishments of the disabled.
    Given that Beethoven was profoundly deaf and many of today’s veteran rock greats—including, famously, the Who’s Pete Townshend—suffered serious hearing loss from all that rocking, deafness is obviously no barrier to great music-making. But an all-deaf band? That’s an intriguing concept. Beethoven’s Nightmare demand you judge them purely on their abilities. Heavily influenced by Hank Williams, Sha Na Na, the Ramones and Black Sabbath, the band are determined not to be trapped “in the basement of deaf culture,” says guitarist Ed Chevy. We hear you, brother. (Patrick Hildebrandt)

    Hm. I assume these people were all able to hear at some point. But even Beethoven had to accept that his playing days were over once he lost his hearing. I can't really imagine what kind of enjoyment deaf people could get from playing music, even if they could do it effectively. But...who knows?


      Originally posted by Chris View Post
      Hm. I assume these people were all able to hear at some point. But even Beethoven had to accept that his playing days were over once he lost his hearing. I can't really imagine what kind of enjoyment deaf people could get from playing music, even if they could do it effectively. But...who knows?
      You'd have to ask the amazing Evelyn Glennie.
      'Man know thyself'

