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Beethoven's 9th Symphony

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    Beethoven's 9th Symphony

    2 years go I gave a performance of the 9th Symphony by B himself. To this day I still get goose bumps thinking about it. What was your favorite piece by him that you have performed?

    I have been chatting on Beethoven for some time now and it feels really good to talk to other beethoven fans like yourselves. I am not a musican by trade. I love Beethoven of course and I like talking about him. I come from a long line of musican though. My father teaches organ of course and is a full professor of it at Gustavus College in St. Peter MN. My brother plays in a group called San Jose Takio group.

    Well anyways. I perform in a choral group called the Mn Valley Chorale. Two years ago we gave a huge performance of this piece with the Mankato Symphony Orcherstra. I just wonder how Beethoven felt like after he had felt the response of the crowd. After he gave the his perfomance.

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by joel fienen:
    2 years go I gave a performance of the 9th Symphony by B himself. To this day I still get goose bumps thinking about it. What was your favorite piece by him that you have performed?

    As a violinist it has to be the Emperor concerto with my local youth orchestra, John Lill soloist. As a pianist, the D minor sonata Op.31 no.2 I performed at a charity concert.

    I have been chatting on Beethoven for some time now and it feels really good to talk to other beethoven fans like yourselves. I am not a musican by trade. I love Beethoven of course and I like talking about him. I come from a long line of musican though. My father teaches organ of course and is a full professor of it at Gustavus College in St. Peter MN. My brother plays in a group called San Jose Takio group.

    Your enthusiasm for the great man is a wonderful thing shared by us all here regardless of being musicians or not and our differences over interpretation - B's appeal is universal NOT elitist!!

    Well anyways. I perform in a choral group called the Mn Valley Chorale. Two years ago we gave a huge performance of this piece with the Mankato Symphony Orcherstra. I just wonder how Beethoven felt like after he had felt the response of the crowd. After he gave the his perfomance.

    That must have been a wonderful experience - one to treasure. B's joy at the success of the 9th was tempered by the sobering reality of the disastrous financial return - when handed the ticket office figures, he literally collapsed.

    [This message has been edited by Peter (edited 07-08-2001).]
    'Man know thyself'


      Thank you Peter.

      Beethoven has inspired me to wite my own music. People say that when you look for something you usally find it in strange places. The one nice thing about singing his music is that his love for the arts. Here in america schools are starting to depleat it. I think that is very wrong. It is mostly happening in small towns. Beethoven would not like that at all. What is your opinion on this subject or who ever wants to add to this discussion?


        Originally posted by joel fienen:
        Thank you Peter.

        Beethoven has inspired me to wite my own music. People say that when you look for something you usally find it in strange places. The one nice thing about singing his music is that his love for the arts. Here in america schools are starting to depleat it. I think that is very wrong. It is mostly happening in small towns. Beethoven would not like that at all. What is your opinion on this subject or who ever wants to add to this discussion?
        I agree - same thing is happening in the Uk - our education secretary being far more concerned with anger management for 3 year olds! (mind you, that might come in handy on this forum at times ) Music is a vital part of a child's development and not to recognise its importance is folly - the ancient Greeks regarded music as an essential subject.

        If I was education secretary, I'd make 15 mins of Beethoven a day compulsory and the 9th the centre of the curriculum - if people lived according to Schiller's Ode, there would be no more wars or famines or global warming!

        'Man know thyself'

        [This message has been edited by Peter (edited 07-13-2001).]
        'Man know thyself'


          Originally posted by Peter:
          I agree - same thing is happening in the Uk - our education secretary being far more concerned with anger management for 3 year olds! (mind you, that might come in handy on this forum at times ) Music is a vital part of a child's development and not to recognise its importance is folly - the ancient Greeks regarded music as an essential subject.

          If I was education secretary, I'd make 15 mins of Beethoven a day compulsory and the 9th the centre of the curriculum - if people lived according to Schiller's Ode, there would be no more wars or famines or global warming!
          Well, music played no part whatsoever in my development as a child. I didn't buy my first record until I was at least 15. Yet my yoke is easy, my burthen is light!

          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


            Originally posted by joel fienen:
            Thank you Peter.

            Beethoven has inspired me to wite my own music. People say that when you look for something you usally find it in strange places. The one nice thing about singing his music is that his love for the arts. Here in america schools are starting to depleat it. I think that is very wrong. It is mostly happening in small towns. Beethoven would not like that at all. What is your opinion on this subject or who ever wants to add to this discussion?
            I would like to talk about this one....I just don't get it, people depleating beethoven?! That is too disrespectful! He is one of our favorites for the long hall!.....I guess these schools need to wake up, and what they are missing on beethoven.


              I agree with the both of you guys. Music helps a child deal with his anger in a non threating way. You see I have a lerning disability and music taught me the discipline of sticking through something that was tough for me. For example I sang the b ninth and i had to learn it by listening to a cd. I learn best by hearing and reading it.

              I do think that anger mangement should be in the schools but also the music should teach them to realx. The next time you are really stressed out listen to Beethoven's Moonlight sonata. I know for a fact when my dad played it for me I would calm down right away.


                Originally posted by joel fienen:
                I agree with the both of you guys. Music helps a child deal with his anger in a non threating way. You see I have a lerning disability and music taught me the discipline of sticking through something that was tough for me. For example I sang the b ninth and i had to learn it by listening to a cd. I learn best by hearing and reading it.

                I do think that anger mangement should be in the schools but also the music should teach them to realx. The next time you are really stressed out listen to Beethoven's Moonlight sonata. I know for a fact when my dad played it for me I would calm down right away.
                I have a disability too, but it's kind of tough. I love listen to moonlight sonata. It makes me smile and when I'm playing fur elise.


                  Originally posted by joel fienen:
                  I agree with the both of you guys. Music helps a child deal with his anger in a non threating way. You see I have a lerning disability and music taught me the discipline of sticking through something that was tough for me. For example I sang the b ninth and i had to learn it by listening to a cd. I learn best by hearing and reading it.

                  I do think that anger mangement should be in the schools but also the music should teach them to realx. The next time you are really stressed out listen to Beethoven's Moonlight sonata. I know for a fact when my dad played it for me I would calm down right away.
                  I did that once. Afterwards, I wasn't stressed out, I was depressed for a while.


                  I am not a number, I am a free man!
                  Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.

