Originally posted by TiberiaClaudia
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Whether the German version is more complete than this one I have no way of knowing.
A fellow member has promised to oblige me with a copy of Beethoven's autopsy report,
The external ear was large and regularly formed, the scaphoid fossa, but more especially the concha, was very spacious and half as large again as usual; the various angles and sinuosities were strongly marked. The external auditory canal was covered with shining scales, particularly in the vicinity of the tympanum, which was concealed by them. The Eustachian tube was much thickened, its mucous lining swollen and somewhat contracted about the osseous portion of the tube. In front of its orifice and towards the tonsils some dimpled scars were observable. The principal cells of the Mastoid process, which was large and not marked by any notch, were lined with a vascular mucous membrane. The whole substance of the Os petrosum showed a similar degree of vascularity, being traversed by vessels of considerable size, more particularly in the region of the cochlea, the membranous part of its spinal lamina appearing slightly reddened.
The facial nerves were of unusual thickness, the auditory nerves, on the contrary, were shrivelled and destitute of neurina; the accompanying arteries were dilated to more than the size of a crowquill, and cartilaginous. The left auditory nerve, much the thinnest, arose by three very thin greyish striae, the right by one strong clear-white stria from the substance of the fourth ventricle, which was at this point much more consistent and vascular than in other parts. The convolutions of the brain were full of water, and remarkably white; they appeared very much deeper, wider, and more numerous than ordinary. The Calvarium exhibited throughout great density and a thickness amounting to about half an inch.
The cavity of the Chest, together with the organs within it, was in the normal condition. In the cavity of the Abdomen four quarts of a greyish-brown turbid fluid were effused. The Liver appeared shrunk up to half its proper volume, of a leathery consistence and greenish-blue colour, and was beset with knots, the size of a bean, on its tuberculated surface, as well as in its substance; all its vessels were very much narrowed, and bloodless. The Gall-bladder contained a dark-brown fluid, besides an abundance of gravelly sediment. The Spleen was found to be more than double its proper size, darkcoloured, and firm. The Pancreas was equally hard and firm, its excretory duct being as wide as a goosequill. The Stomach, together with the Bowels, was greatly distended with air. Both Kidneys were invested by cellular membrane of an inch thick, and infiltrated with a brown turbid fluid; their tissue was pale-red and opened out. Every one of their calices was occupied by a calcareous concretion of a wart-like shape and as large as a split-pea. The body was much emaciated.
Dr. Johann Wagner
Assistant in the Pathological Museum
As for Wawruch's records, I was not aware any list of medications was ever preserved by him. Therefore, yes, it is a lot of assumption.
Lastly, I came across this two days ago and have been perusing it at my leisure: