Fame! I want to live forever,
I want to learn how to fly ...
Thank you jak for your grammar lesson. Now write me down all the text from Fame songs, since I hardly understand anything!
Peter, It's a pity you couldn't see the movie it's a double shame because as administrator, you have the right to be informed better and more quickly than others! Don't be desperate. In case you understand Spanish, I could you send you (free!) the original dvd..
Fame! I want to live forever,
I want to learn how to fly ...
Thank you jak for your grammar lesson. Now write me down all the text from Fame songs, since I hardly understand anything!
Peter, It's a pity you couldn't see the movie it's a double shame because as administrator, you have the right to be informed better and more quickly than others! Don't be desperate. In case you understand Spanish, I could you send you (free!) the original dvd..