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Beethoven on Youtube

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    Beethoven on Youtube

    Wouldn’t it rot your socks?… Yesterday I thought I was logged in – it said I was - and was typing away about three fantastic items I found on Youtube, namely Claudio Arrau playing the two movements of Opus 111, about which I wrote my last little post, and also about Wilhelm Kempff playing the third mov’t of the Moonlight –which is a pretty good piece of music compared to the overly popular first mov’t- and what do you think happened to me when I clicked the submit button?

    Your beast told me I was NOT logged in, and everything I had typed was completely lost! Grrrr… Not to be beaten by the machines however, I have typed this up in Word and copasted it into here to ensure that if the same thing happens, at least I will have a copy of the original to re-send another time.

    I searched in this site for Youtube and Arrau and came up with nothing… This seems odd… There is lots of Beethoven being played and put on the internet in sites like Youtube. Much of it is simply of students who have recorded their playing – and you can tell when this is the case as there is usually no mention of a famous pianist - but sometimes people are uploading, for all to see, some classic performances they must have videotaped or even filmed years ago. Not sure how this is done (analogue to digital) but there must be a way, it seems. Don't have time to figure that out, but nevermind.

    Here are the links which you may need to copaste into your address bar or alternatively, you could search in youtube or google directly. It’s easy.

    Opus 111 Mov’t 1:

    & Mov’t 2:

    Here is Kempff:

    Oh and finally, someone recently sent me a link to another item on Youtube which was a series of pictures of our hero throughout his life and it was set to the Cavatina from Opus 130 ( I B flat... no time to check it now….) and I found that the person who did the item was one Floristan… Hmmm. I thought it was the person using that name from this site but when I delved a little further, I found that not only was the spelling different but Flor – i – stan is only 19 years old.. Good to see such love of Beethoven in one so young, eh? I searched for that Youtube item here also but got no result. Odd…. I thought you people were up with the modern technology and that someone by now would have mentioned it. Maybe they have but it just doesn’t show up in the search engine. Anyway, here is the link for that item too:

    567 people have added it to their favourites. Over 110,000 people have viewed it!

    Here, really finally, is something else I just noticed that you people might like: someone playing Alkan’s transcription of the said Cavatina, but don’t read the comments… You will wince to see someone thinks Alkan wrote the piece himself!! Lots of laughs! Still, it is quite beautiful and you can imagine that if someone new to Beethoven heard it, and were unaware of the Quartet, they would be impressed.

    Hope you enjoy all this!

    I check YouTube (& Veoh & other video databases) at least once a week for new Beethoven. What a blast it is. One of these days, I will get around to uploading my home video of me playing my little Hal Leonard piano transcription of the 1st mov't & the 3rd mov't of Symphony No. 5 -- all in fun, of course.

    Just yesterday, I discovered a series of YouTub vids that are spectacular: Solomon Cutner performing all three movements of the Appassionata:

    1st mov't:
    2nd mov't:
    3rd mov't:

    Watch all of these & you will be in Appassionata heaven. Apparently, there is very little film footage of Cutner performing Beethoven. This performance is available only as a bonus on an EMI DVD of Claudio Arrau performances.



      thanks, David, for that. I have them all lined up and downloaded and ready to play in a few minutes.

      I recall, from many years ago now, hearing of a pianist who I only remember as "Soloman".. And am wondering if this could be one and the same... From some of the comments I read, perhaps he is.

      I am going to try to get that Alkan transcription in sheetmusic somehow,so I can try to play it but no luck so far in my first efforts to find it online...


        Originally posted by AlexOv View Post
        I am going to try to get that Alkan transcription in sheetmusic somehow,so I can try to play it but no luck so far in my first efforts to find it online...
        This might be it -- available as a PDF download for US $4.65 through Music Notes:

        Check out the amount of Beethoven scores available for free through the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP):

        The other night, I downloaded the PDF piano transcription of the Leonore No. 3, which I've been working on:

        Soon, I want to post a part of the Credo from the Missa transcribed for piano -- I'd like some of you expert pianists to record it for me!


          Originally posted by AlexOv View Post

          I recall, from many years ago now, hearing of a pianist who I only remember as "Soloman".. And am wondering if this could be one and the same... From some of the comments I read, perhaps he is.
          He is one and the same - Solomon belongs to that rare breed like Michelangelo whose surnames are dispensed with!
          'Man know thyself'



            Well I have finally heard, after many years of ignorance, my first Soloman, playing the Appassionata and despite having heard the piece dozens of times, played by others, I would have to say that Soloman did bring out melodies of which I was unaware. Fantastic

            I wish there was more of his playing available on the 'net but I will get to that later.

            DavidO, thank you also.... I willl look into the Alkan and the other stuff, although we have here a complete sonata set that must be 60 years old and I am not that much of a pianist anyway.

            By the way, Peter, that photo of you -under your name- shows you to have an uncanny resemblance... Love it... Can I get one?


              Thanky you, AlexOV, for showing me this site. I enjoy YouTube for many months now, but must admit that it never came to my mind to search for Beethoven!
              What a vast treasury!! I just was just enjoying Karajan's conducting the Eroica, how wonderful for both hear and eye. I don't know why Karajan is not appreciated anymore today....


                thanks DavidO

                David, you said to "Check out the amount of Beethoven scores available for free through the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP):


                I just did that and all I can say is "Wow!" Sorry if that exclamation dates me somewhat!!.... That website is wonderful and has scores by what must be hundreds of composers. And for Beethoven, there are scores to hundreds of pieces - if you count, for example, a published set of six bagatelles as six pieces. And all those 'without opus" works which, as you would know, were unpublished during his lifetime. I sure wish I could play piano better! Staggering... What a site and all available for free downloading! Thanks again for letting us know...

