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The saddest music

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    There are so many sad tunes, but you have to listen to Mahler's "Das Lied von der Erda"... the last movement "Das Abshied" See if you can keep those tears back....


      Originally posted by Stringreen View Post
      There are so many sad tunes, but you have to listen to Mahler's "Das Lied von der Erda"... the last movement "Das Abshied" See if you can keep those tears back....
      Yes - a great deal of Mahler is sad such as the Kindertotenlieder. I don't think Beethoven even in his darkest moments hints at the despair in Mahler.
      'Man know thyself'


        Being a Beethoven discussion board its only right that he should get the first suggestions! The second movement of the fourth piano concerto, especially played by Wilhelm Backhaus and the Vienna Philharmonic or the slow movement of op2no2 that is dark! I think the most depressing, without doubt is Beethovens cantata on the death of emperor Joseph II. Its atmospheric and terrifying written when Ludwig was only seventeen!

        For real despair I have to opt for Mozarts requiem under the command of Sir Colin davis, I cant listen to it, its heartbreaking.Schuberts slow movement from his Wanderer Fantasy in the hands of Sviatoslav Richter. Gluck Orpheus and Euridice dance of the blessed spirits, Albinonis most famous Oboe concerto in D or Handels Largo from Xerxeus, they crack me up everytime!

        aside what a depressing topic of discussion!
        Last edited by David1770; 04-05-2007, 09:14 PM.


          Originally posted by David1770 View Post
          Being a Beethoven discussion board its only right that he should get the first suggestions! The second movement of the fourth piano concerto, especially played by Wilhelm Backhaus and the Vienna Philharmonic or the slow movement of op2no2 that is dark! I think the most depressing, without doubt is Beethovens cantata on the death of emperor Joseph II. Its atmospheric and terrifying written when Ludwig was only seventeen!
          Beethoven's gloomiest pieces I think are the slow movement from Op.10/3 and that of the Ghost trio. Wonderfully sombre!
          'Man know thyself'



            Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten.

            ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


              Yes I love that piece - also hauntingly sad is the well known Spiegel im spiegel
              'Man know thyself'


                The second movement of the first Razumovsky quartet would be high on my list of "sad" music. The manuscript bears the curious inscription: "A weeping willow or acacia tree on my brother's grave".

                No-one has been able to explain this phrase; Beethoven's two brothers were alive at the time of the composition of the middle quartets. It has even been suggested that it was a reference to the child that first bore the name "Ludwig" - that is "Ludwig Maria" who was born and died a year before Beethoven.


                  I am a little surprised no-one so far has mentioned the Eroica, 2nd movement. For me, with Mahler mentioned earlier, 'ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen' is also pretty much at the peak of pain and sorrow.


                    One of the most hauntingly beautiful sad pieces has to be Mahler's - 'I'm lost to the world' (which Albert refers to above)
                    'Man know thyself'


                      I think Beethoven's sonata 7. Op 10 No 3, Largo e Mesto is sad and very moving, also Mozarts piano concerto K488 No 23, which is also quite sad. I believe Mozart composed it soon after his mother passed away. Absolutely beautiful.
                      Last edited by grace65; 07-24-2014, 07:24 AM.


                        The 3rd movement of Bruckner's 9th Symphony comes to my mind.

