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On This Day!

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    On This Day!

    In 1756 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born in Salzburg and in 1806 Juan Crisostomo Arriaga, "the Spanish Mozart," is born and in 1823 French composer Edouard Lalo is born in Lille.
    'Truth and beauty joined'

    Thanks for that Joy - I'd completely forgotten Mozart's birthday and I wasn't aware the other two shared the same day!
    'Man know thyself'


      Yesterday, on Performances Today, there were reviews of the gala celebration that they did last year in Salzburg with the bells and such. I don't know if anyone else caught that last year but it was memorable.


        Yesterday here in Vienna the Mozart Haus (aka Figaro Haus) located behind the Stephansdom was opened to the public free of charge. Normally it'll cost you € 9 (this is the new price since they totally renovated the place). I was planning to go but I am recovering from a recurring back problem and it snowed like mad yesterday, the first real snow we have had all winter.
        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.

