December 5th, 1791 -- Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Vienna, age 35.
Some thoughts on Life expectancies at that time;
"Average life expectancy was less than fifty years and in the month of December 1791 when Mozart died, there was no one above the age of fifty six who died in St. Stephen's parish that same month. The very existence, names, causes, symptoms or cures for many diseases were completely unknown and the diagnosis of illnesses was highly inaccurate. Advances in medicine from the Middle Ages up to the eighteenth century were limited and many primitive beliefs and superstitions prevailed."
Some thoughts on Life expectancies at that time;
"Average life expectancy was less than fifty years and in the month of December 1791 when Mozart died, there was no one above the age of fifty six who died in St. Stephen's parish that same month. The very existence, names, causes, symptoms or cures for many diseases were completely unknown and the diagnosis of illnesses was highly inaccurate. Advances in medicine from the Middle Ages up to the eighteenth century were limited and many primitive beliefs and superstitions prevailed."