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Beethoven's Birthday Nears

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    Beethoven's Birthday Nears

    KBaq is already starting to celebrate the Maestro's upcoming birthday. This weekend we will hear The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra playing a movement from Beethoven's score for the ballet The Creatures of Prometheus. "This popular ballet was first performed at Vienna's Burgtheater in March 1801."
    Beethoven's Symphony No. 8 with The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in Carnegie Hall.

    I'm wondering if anyone knows of other radio, TV, concerts or other venue are gearing up for this event.
    'Truth and beauty joined'

    Beethoven's Birthday nears

    I don't think WGMS in Washington will interrupt their "all Christmas all the time" for anything as trivial as Beethoven's birthday.


    The station is sponsored by a jewelry store, and I suppose they're under pressure to play Christmas music to get people into the mood to shop and buy jewelry, but they sure lose a lot of listeners every December. Self included.


      BBC Radio 3 have a list of Beethoven programmes and articles (from the 2005 Beethoven experience), rather nicely they also link to this site! Lots of very informative information and audio links with in depth discussions.
      'Man know thyself'


        Thanks for that Peter. Very informative as you say.
        'Truth and beauty joined'


          It's at times like these that i miss schultz's Peanuts character Schroeder who never failed to observe the genius' birthday. Like Schroeder permit me to suggest that on Dec 16 we all join in a rousing chorus taken from the last movement of the Master's 9th symphony.

          And a 1 and a 2 and a 3... oh you mean you don't know the words???

          A Calm Sea and A Prosperous Voyage

