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Beethoven and Key Relationships

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    I know how Rod will respond to your post, but either way, it is surely ridiculous that a heavy metal pop group such as AC/DC gets mentioned so often on this forum - it would be far more healthy (& relevant) to talk about a more universally-appealing, melodic pop group such as The Beatles. Please don't dismiss the idea, Peter - there's mileage to be gained here. Even on a Beethoven forum. Ludwig would have loved the Fab Four! Yeah yeah yeah!


      Originally posted by PDG:
      I know how Rod will respond to your post, but either way, it is surely ridiculous that a heavy metal pop group such as AC/DC gets mentioned so often on this forum - it would be far more healthy (& relevant) to talk about a more universally-appealing, melodic pop group such as The Beatles. Please don't dismiss the idea, Peter - there's mileage to be gained here. Even on a Beethoven forum. Ludwig would have loved the Fab Four! Yeah yeah yeah!
      Which is about as far from the original thread as I am prepared to go...

      Thanks everyone for your posts!


        Wait, Jeff. We still haven't got a full answer to your request for a list of key-mood relationships. We know B. thoughy B minor was dark, G sharp was bright, C minor was dramatic, E-flat major was heroic, A-flat was tender, E major was serene (and most of that thanks to Peter on the second post of the thread!). But what about F sharp, D minor, G flat, etc...? Maybe there isn't evidence to correlate those keys to moods. Ah, didn't think about that one.


          C sharp: bright; C major: neutral; G & A major: hard; F & B flat major: soft; F minor: melancholic; D major: stately; D flat: dark.


            Originally posted by Peter:
            Well I don't totally disagree here - but regarding my original point that S was a more natural lyrical composer than B you have hardly produced a valid argument.
            My initial statement did not contradict the above, I merely stated that Handel was better still in this respect.

            Originally posted by Peter:

            We have debated the relative worths of herr Mozart and Schubert ad infinitum, and neither one of us has shifted our position one iota - what puzzles me is why you see it as some sort of competition? - I've made my position quite clear on many occasions -overall, Beethoven in my opinion was the supreme master, but that does not mean that all other music aside from Handel and AC/DC should be dismissed!
            The mystery I have with Schubert especially is why everyone raves about his work, some even say he's on a par with Beethoven. I have made an effort to listen to a lot of S's music when possible to give it further assessment, yet always come to the same conclusions. He's simply not top flight by B's standards (the only standard I consider). Yet again my taste comes under the spotlight. I can tell you that my taste is more diverse than anyone's here. The names you mention are but a few that make up my collection. For me, I look for the best that all genres can offer and focus on that standard. Rather than just select one genre of composition as a whole and rate it above the others regardless of the average quality of the compositions within that genre.

            You are aware that I think most Classical music is pretty awfull. Whilst I was in Paris last weekend I went I a Pro-Am concert at the Russian Concervatory (where Rachmanilow himself performed). A movement from B's op28 was performed, together with a wide selection of other stuff (Bach, Mozart, 'Manilow, Gluck, Saint-Saens, Verdi etc. etc.). Quite simply most of the non-B stuff sent me to sleep, or sounded quite ludicrous. A Laudate by Mozart was the only other piece I liked out of a very long program - the remainder was student music, or that (the majority) written for those with no serious interest in what music has to offer. I have every right to dismiss such music!!

            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


              Originally posted by PDG:
              I know how Rod will respond to your post, but either way, it is surely ridiculous that a heavy metal pop group such as AC/DC gets mentioned so often on this forum -
              Quite right, and the ultimate irony is that this is done mostly by people other than myself!

              "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                Originally posted by PDG:
                C sharp: bright; C major: neutral; G & A major: hard; F & B flat major: soft; F minor: melancholic; D major: stately; D flat: dark.
                No, no, no.
                (C major - Chris) (G and A major - PDG) (F and B-flat - Peter) (F minor - Serge) (C minor - Rod) (E-flat - Bob the Composer)

                Bob the Composer

                I am not a number, I am a free man!
                Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.


                  Where the heck do you get the idea I'm melancholic?! I'm E major or G-sharp at the very least!


                    And I'm a refined and stately D major!

                    'Man know thyself'
                    'Man know thyself'


                      I'm about as hard as a teddy bear.....


                        Funny that I'm not complaining about my 'allocated' key. Welcome to the dark side of the Force. But does this mean I'm Chris's father? I'm half way to converting Peter to the dark side already. Don't fight it Peter...It is your destiny.

                        "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                          Serge, you sometimes remind me of the Appasionata Sonata, that's why. Sometimes calm, sometimes ready to erupt into a deadly fury.

                          Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.

