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Moscheles' Fidelio Arrangement?

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    Thanks so much for the prompt response.
    Have a great day!


      Originally posted by Nelly:
      Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870), with Beethoven's consent, made a piano arrangement of Fidelio.

      Hello - I was curious if you actually have the score for this? or if you only found a reference? I would be curious to get the score.
      Sorry to inform the forum that Moscheles' great-grandson has not responded to my enquiries about the "Fidelio" arrangement and Schindler's antisemitic remarks.

      When Moscheles brought the manuscript of the arrangement for Beethoven's final approval, Moscheles wrote on the last page "Fine mit Gottes Hulf" ("finished with God's help"). When Beethoven returned the manuscript to Moscleles, Beethoven added the inscription "O, Mensch, hilf dir selber!" ("Oh, man, help yourself!").

      "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


        Dear Forum;

        The great-grandson of Ignaz Moscheles finally responded to our query into an antisemitic remark that Schindler attributed to Beethoven. He wrote as follows:

        "I am not actually sure about whether Beethoven said that or anything like it--I tend to hope and assume that he did not! I certainly do not remember seeing anything in Moscheles' writings to suggest any such hostility on Beethoven's part. I think he said something like 'save me from mere passage-players!' And I am pretty sure Moscheles wrote something rather critical of Schindler post-1827. I have not seen Moscheles' Fidelio arrangement, but understand it must be a proper vocal score. In which case no-one would ever record it. But I will try and find out."

        "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


          Thanks for the update Hofrat.

