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new Beethoven movie in the making, by Phil Grabsky

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    new Beethoven movie in the making, by Phil Grabsky

    It is not a movie but a film/documentary. Kind of like "In Search of Mozart".

    I tried to order "In Search of Mozart", , the other day and my order did not go through. Because they are currently not shipping to where I live. I got a response from Heather (works for Phil) saying this and that then I replied back. I got another response asking me if I liked Beethoven. Then she said because the director of "In Search of Mozart" is making a film/documentary about Beethoven. I was blown away! It will be a documentary talking to musicians about Beethoven and his life. At this point there will be no actor as Beethoven.

    So I asked if the members of the forum could send in some questions and she said that they were researching and may not be able to answer the questions yet. So we decided on the forum members posting advice and things that we feel should be in the documentary/film, and then they can read over it. Maybe we can get him to join!

    So everyone, if y'all want to do it, please state what you would like to see in the film/documentary, how you feel that it should be, how long you would like it to be, what pieces of music to use in the documentary, his attitude, personality, humor, dancing, books to read, etc., etc., etc., etc.

    We should probably discuss them thoroughly so that they can get a good idea about them.

    I told them that we will let them know how the post is going, in about six months. They will probably read it sooner, though.

    Peter and Chris if this post works out good can we not change it after five pages so that they can read it easier?

    Suggestions I have to start with:
    -I would like the documentary to try and show Beethoven's inner thoughts.
    -His beliefs about a Great Divine or God.
    -I personally feel that Beethoven was a somewhat unattractive, rugged looking, dirty, etc. man. Even in "Immortal Beloved" they mentioned that he was unattractive.

    I haven't seen "In Search of Mozart", but they say it is similiar to that.

    Kind Regards,

    "But well I know that God is nearer to me than to other artists; I associate with Him without fear; I have always recognized and understood Him and have no fear for my music- it can meet no evil fate." LVB

    [This message has been edited by Preston (edited 10-25-2006).]
    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

    Thank you for that interesting post, Preston. To start things off, one thing I would be interesting in seeing in a documentary would be about his religious beliefs. For instance Schindler felt he was "inclined towards deism." It is also known that Beethoven became enamored with Pantheism as espoused by Goethe and, as evidenced by the Ninth Symphony. Also it would be interesting to delve into Beethoven and the relationship with his nephew.

    Also IMHO a two hour program would be nice although I could always go for more.

    'Truth and beauty joined'
    'Truth and beauty joined'


      I would hope that they will include his music along with the documentary.

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      To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

      To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.


        personally feel that Beethoven was a somewhat unattractive...

        I feel him so attractive gustibus. Anyway I heard about a movie about a boy whose title should be IMAGINING BEETHOVEN. Perhaps it's the same. Search with Google and you'll find this project. If it's not the same, please let us know some news. ADESSO it's COPYING time


          It is not Imagining Beethoven. I would like it to be as long as possible also, and I can imagine quite a lot of time. I would also like to see scenes, where an actor plays Beethoven so that we can see how Beethoven may have been. Definitly Beethoven's spirituality, theological beliefs, etc. I would like them to talk about his sanity in his music but why he had troublt expressing that in real life, very much so. Music would be great, I highly imagine that will be in there. I just hope they use his lesser known pieces. Not the ones that people who know nothing hear one of Beethoven's pieces and say isn't that Beethoven.

          "But well I know that God is nearer to me than to other artists; I associate with Him without fear; I have always recognized and understood Him and have no fear for my music- it can meet no evil fate." LVB
          - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


            I sent Heather, who works with Phil, an email asking them to join.

            "But well I know that God is nearer to me than to other artists; I associate with Him without fear; I have always recognized and understood Him and have no fear for my music- it can meet no evil fate." LVB
            - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


              Originally posted by Preston:
              I sent Heather, who works with Phil, an email asking them to join.

              You mean to get married??


                They should concentrate on the one thing most important: What drove Beethoven's compositional processes. If his first motival subject were in C, then why F or A minor or E minor for the second subject, and on and on? Why those particular, crucial, stylistical choices? Hmmm.....

