I had a very nice email from Kerry Candaele about her website and project on Beethoven's 9th and we have agreed to share this here to see if any members would like to contribute:
"I want to bring your attention the documentary on Beethoven's Ninth that I
am working on (called Following The Ninth: In The Footsteps of Beethoven's
Final Symphony), and ask for your suggestions. I've shot close to 50 hours
of tape, but the film is really just beginning, thus I am looking for more
stories about the Ninth. You can read about the project at www.followingtheninth.com. What I'm hoping to find are new stories that I
might follow, develop, as the film proceeds. As of today, I will be filming
in Japan, where the Ninth (Daiku) is performed by hundreds of variously
sized orchestras, sometimes with choruses of 5000 people or more. I will
also be going to Chile and other countries in South America, where a version
of the "Ode to Joy" was sung as a song of resistance and hope by those
living under military dictatorships."
'Man know thyself'
"I want to bring your attention the documentary on Beethoven's Ninth that I
am working on (called Following The Ninth: In The Footsteps of Beethoven's
Final Symphony), and ask for your suggestions. I've shot close to 50 hours
of tape, but the film is really just beginning, thus I am looking for more
stories about the Ninth. You can read about the project at www.followingtheninth.com. What I'm hoping to find are new stories that I
might follow, develop, as the film proceeds. As of today, I will be filming
in Japan, where the Ninth (Daiku) is performed by hundreds of variously
sized orchestras, sometimes with choruses of 5000 people or more. I will
also be going to Chile and other countries in South America, where a version
of the "Ode to Joy" was sung as a song of resistance and hope by those
living under military dictatorships."
'Man know thyself'