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Beethoven vs. Mozart - VOTE HERE!

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    Originally posted by peter69:
    Mozart almost never managed to work out any of his ideas properly; always cutting a theme off when it's about to get interesting. For the rest simplicty prevails in his music and there is hardly any emotional depth. Mozart wrote his music fast and careless. Yet, the simplicity makes his music very accessible to a wide audience and hence his popularity. But to call him one of the greatest composers would be a very large overstatement. He is probably the most over-rated composer of them all.

    Very astute observations here. Bravely made, too. I have said here before that Mozart's "weakness" can be heard in the comparative lack of ingenuity in his developments and his lack-lustre codas. In these respects, Beethoven is King. A pretty tune as First Theme is not enough on its own to establish a "Great Piece of Music".


      Originally posted by PDG:
      Very astute observations here. Bravely made, too. I have said here before that Mozart's "weakness" can be heard in the comparative lack of ingenuity in his developments and his lack-lustre codas. In these respects, Beethoven is King. A pretty tune as First Theme is not enough on its own to establish a "Great Piece of Music".


      Which is probably why I prefer the music of Haydn to Mozart as well.

      [This message has been edited by Sorrano (edited 06-22-2006).]


        Originally posted by chopithoven:
        I just wanted to install a debate based on one true thing: the idea of good music is not subjective. I think that there is an absolute truth about this subject. One of the composers is better than the other, and it doesn't depend on each one's opinion. So I posted this poll to see why did everybody think that Beethoven is better than Mozart. It looks like nobody understood me.

        My word! Are you a direct descendant of Pythagoras and Plato or what? Or a strict follower of Greek rationalism and absolutism?


          Originally posted by Vipercat:

          My word! Are you a direct descendant of Pythagoras and Plato or what? Or a strict follower of Greek rationalism and absolutism?


            Originally posted by Vipercat:

            My word! Are you a direct descendant of Pythagoras and Plato or what? Or a strict follower of Greek rationalism and absolutism?
            OHH YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
            But my ignorance may not let me see the truth so... every one is right


              This is the most stupid thread I've ever seen.


                Originally posted by Rich in Exeter:
                This is the most stupid thread I've ever seen.

                And I bet you read all 200 comments. No, I suggest the thread about the picture of Constanze Mozart is the most stupid.

                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                  Originally posted by Rod:

                  And I bet you read all 200 comments. No, I suggest the thread about the picture of Constanze Mozart is the most stupid.

                  Actually I read the first half page and then realised that it would inevitably descend into stupidity.


                    With all the yahoo groups and composer forums out there, I have to say I've read worse.

                    I'm just surprised no one has gone through each comment and marked tallies. Each comment generally favored one composer over the other, so if they were counted, the original poster's idea for voting could be concluded after 3 years. Maybe then the thread would rest. Of course, if you look at Rod's individual posts and mark a tally for each one, I'm afraid Handel would be the winner here.


                      Originally posted by Nightklavier:
                      ...Of course, if you look at Rod's individual posts and mark a tally for each one, I'm afraid Handel would be the winner here.
                      What do you mean 'I'm afraid'?

                      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                        Originally posted by Rich in Exeter:
                        Actually I read the first half page and then realised that it would inevitably descend into stupidity.
                        The very first post was where things started going wrong. Beethoven is clearly in a higher league than Mozart so the question need not even be asked. I look forward to assessing many sensible posts from you here in the near future.

                        "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                          Originally posted by Rod:
                          The very first post was where things started going wrong. Beethoven is clearly in a higher league than Mozart so the question need not even be asked. I look forward to assessing many sensible posts from you here in the near future.

                          'Clearly'?? I don't think so


                            Originally posted by Rich in Exeter:
                            'Clearly'?? I don't think so
                            Ha ha I knew you wouldn't like that! Now you've become part of this stupid chain yourself!

                            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                              To me Mozart was a great musical genius, but only that. While I feel that Beethoven was a great musical genius and was like a GOD. Although, Mozart in his last years seem closer to Beethoven's works starting around 1798 and after.

                              I greatly prefer Beethoven's spiritual music over Mozart. Beethoven is so real and serious.

                              Kind Regards,
                              - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                                i believe both of them are equal.they both discovered many things in music.beethovens music at early age is much influenced by mozart as mozart was influenced by his predessesors they both had their own styles and their music will never be forgoten

