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'Copying Beethoven'

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    Originally posted by sjwenger:
    Question for srivele:

    Do you anticipate any effect on the movie's reception as a result of the hoopla over "The Da Vinci Code" being a fictional account of a controversial subject, as your movie injects a fictional character into Beethoven's life? A negative backlash? A positive publicity boom?

    I can't imagine any crossover from Da Vinci to our film. Different kinds of films, different marketing, different audiences. Also, Da Vinci is completely fictional, where it is not actually erroneous.

    [This message has been edited by srivele (edited 05-26-2006).]



      Dear Srivele,

      Being involved with the making of a film over so many years must be like a woman pregnant for the same time. I want to ask you (if you have time) whether you might get involved in making other films in the near future ?

      I am working on a film script myself and wonder if I might be able to submit it to you. It would certainly use music although it is not a musical film. This medium of film interests me a great deal and I want to try a biographical film on the life and times of Thomas Paine (a man you will know was hugely influential in the politics and revolutions of the late 18th century and who made huge contributions to both the oonstitution of France, the USA, and of course in demolishing much of the feudal system in his writings). Paine has been largely marginalised but I think he was as great a man in his own way as Beethoven. They shared a lot in common.

      But matters related to new film projects may be the furthest thing from your mind. I mention it only because you (unlike myself) have the experience and I have none.

      Best regards


        Originally posted by robert newman:

        Dear Srivele,

        Being involved with the making of a film over so many years must be like a woman pregnant for the same time. I want to ask you (if you have time) whether you might get involved in making other films in the near future ?

        I am working on a film script myself and wonder if I might be able to submit it to you. It would certainly use music although it is not a musical film. This medium of film interests me a great deal and I want to try a biographical film on the life and times of Thomas Paine (a man you will know was hugely influential in the politics and revolutions of the late 18th century and who made huge contributions to both the oonstitution of France, the USA, and of course in demolishing much of the feudal system in his writings). Paine has been largely marginalised but I think he was as great a man in his own way as Beethoven. They shared a lot in common.

        But matters related to new film projects may be the furthest thing from your mind. I mention it only because you (unlike myself) have the experience and I have none.

        Best regards

        I have been working in the feature film business for nearly twenty years now, and expect to continue doing so. My writing partner and I have formed a production company, Anomaly Entertainment, with the aim of optioning scripts by new writers and trying to get them financed. I am always eager to help new talent, and so I will look at anyone's script who will send it to me with a SASE (provided it is registered with the Writers Guild; I cannot legally read an unprotected script). I should point out that only recently have I begun charging people a fee to read and comment on their scripts, since I get several dozen a year, and this takes an enormous amount of my time. However, as a member of this site and someone who has contributed ideas and enthusiasm to our film, I will not charge you for the service. You may contact me at

        [This message has been edited by srivele (edited 05-30-2006).]



          Yes, I will contact you. Beethoven and his music will be in this too. Many thanks.


            Just an update:

            The audience ratings at the test screening in Culver City (CA) were even higher than those in San Diego. So the prospects are very good for our North American distribution. We are rating well above the norm for our target audience, which is males and females over thirty.


              It seems that nowadays movies come to Europe in a short time; until some years ago,about one year passed! We are all with you!


                Well, it is official: Copying Beethoven will have its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in early September. Those of you who can access "Variety" will find the announcement on the first page of the July 7 edition.
                Thanks as always to this site and its members for your continued interest and support. It has meant a great deal to us.

                [This message has been edited by srivele (edited 07-08-2006).]


                  Great news! Congratulations on getting the film made and out there.


                    We are all with you mR. Shrivele! Please I'm asking you and the other members living in USA wherever/whenever they find news on the web, please write them here, any site/article about it!
                    BEETHOVEN ROCKS!!


                      Great news! And when will it be released in the U.S., do you know?

                      To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

                      To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.
                      To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

                      To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.


                        I couldn't find this page on Variety perhaps a password is needed. I searched also on Toronto festival site. News welcome thanks


                          I am new to the group here. My pianoforte made by Stoddart was used in the film, and I am hoping they will be sending me more info on the film as well. I am in direct contact with the producers and they are willing on giving me more information to the film. In france the film has not been released as of yet, but I can hardly wait. They will be giving me a clip of the parts where my piano was used. When i get this, I will post it.



                            Originally posted by Amadeus67:
                            I am new to the group here. My pianoforte made by Stoddart was used in the film, and I am hoping they will be sending me more info on the film as well. I am in direct contact with the producers and they are willing on giving me more information to the film. In france the film has not been released as of yet, but I can hardly wait. They will be giving me a clip of the parts where my piano was used. When i get this, I will post it.

                            I presume your Stoddart was 'acting' as Beethoven's Broadwood in the movie?

                            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                              Originally posted by Amadeus67:
                              I am new to the group here. My pianoforte made by Stoddart was used in the film, and I am hoping they will be sending me more info on the film as well. I am in direct contact with the producers and they are willing on giving me more information to the film. In france the film has not been released as of yet, but I can hardly wait. They will be giving me a clip of the parts where my piano was used. When i get this, I will post it.

                              How exciting, do please keep us posted. May I ask how they found out about your piano and how it got to be in the film?

                              'Truth and beauty joined'
                              'Truth and beauty joined'


                                Originally posted by Amadeus67:
                                I am new to the group here. My pianoforte made by Stoddart was used in the film, and I am hoping they will be sending me more info on the film as well. I am in direct contact with the producers and they are willing on giving me more information to the film. In france the film has not been released as of yet, but I can hardly wait. They will be giving me a clip of the parts where my piano was used. When i get this, I will post it.


                                I think it must be the instrument that Beethoven plays, and that Anna tunes at one point. It is lovely, and looks very handsome in the film. Thanks so much.

