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Is the immortal beloved anyone and what did y'all think of Gary Oldman?

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    Originally posted by Preston:
    Peter I believe that after he recieved his baptismal certificate he still denied his own birth date. That is what Soloman says.

    From what I understand it was Reiss writing him a letter saying something like, "for your mother's sake let it be known that you are not born under nobility". Then he said, "let the rumour stop".

    Kind Regards,

    [This message has been edited by Preston (edited 09-14-2006).]
    I'd be very wary of what Solomon says! I don't know what source he uses for that claim (do you have it?) but remember when Beethoven requested the certificate he was convinced he was younger than people claimed - don't most people want to be considered younger, especially if they are involved with a younger woman? It's not nice to suddenly find out you are actually older!

    As to the nobility issue, well yes I have said it was a rumour he allowed to continue to further his own ends in securing the guardianship of karl - during that whole 4 or 5 year saga Beethoven's behaviour has to be seen at best as over the top and frequently disgraceful.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      I do not know what you mean, "Don't touch my Ludwig". Could you clarify that.

      Kind Regards,

      Nothing special, I'm in love with him and don't like films which give a bad impression of him bc many people who don't know him (not you all of course)tend to have an awful imagine and I feel sad and a bit angry.(i.e. a colleague told me once: "do you know why he became deaf?" (as if someone did...)"bc he was beaten by his father while a child!"He saw that scene...)I have nothing against anyone of you, of course, I love this site bc you all love him like me... )I hope not having seemed too hars.


        I wanted to let y'all know that I take back what I said about Gary Oldman's performance as Beethoven. I said it was unreal.

        Honestly, now that I have thought about it, I do not know enough about Beethoven to make a clear comment.

        Kind Regards,
        - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


          Preston - Whatever Gary Oldman's performance did for you is what truly matters. Even if someone tells you it's not accurate, fair, or whatever, if Gary Oldman's Beethoven affected you in a positive way, then that's good. I actually liked Oldman's performance at first, but I saw 'Immortal Beloved' just as I was getting into Beethoven, so I didn't know who Beethoven really was. So in that case, I would say the movie had a burden of responsibility to accurately portray Beethoven but they DID fail there. When I first saw the movie, I assumed his personality was as Oldman illustrated. But I guess I had fallen too much in love with the music to even care if he was miserably cruel or grumpy. I did the same with 'Amadeus': I thought Mozart was a laughing joker who said things like, "tihs ym tae" and it never harmed me because I loved Mozart's music. It only took reading about the composers to figure out the movies potrayed both of them wrong. But I guess I didn't care because I had a positive experience with those movies. Stepping out of a biased shell, I can still watch them and enjoy the actor's performances.

          And yet, my Beethoven fanaticism hasn't run so thin that I still don't passionately yearn for a realistic and accurate take on Mozart or Beethoven. Chopin, too has not been justly portrayed in "Chopin: Desire for Love" or "Impromptu." But at one point, I have to be grateful we even have classical music movies. Even though almost all of them have been weak, incorrect, or even silly, they're at least there to expose the music to others and maybe convert just one person to becoming a Beethoven enthusiast.

          I'm crossing my fingers for 'Copying Beethoven' but I'm not naive to expect a redemption in the movie industry. What's most upsetting is that I wonder... when will there be another movie about Beethoven ever again? Will it be 20 years? 50?


            Nightklavier, thank you for your kind comment. I don't really know what it did for me. I know that doesn't make much sense, but the reason why is because I have this factual knowledge and knowledge of his music in my head. So, I am trying to figure out how Beethoven really was. Which I am sure a lot of people do, who look into Beethoven.

            Things in his music are so peaceful and joyful, sometimes, that I would think he could talk as a very sane and happy person. Then I think his problems prohibited him from being able to do that and he could only express his sanity through his music. It is a lot to think about.

            I think that Beethoven would proboably have been a good bit different than in the movie, although there are moments. At least that is what I am thinking now, lol.

            What I would like to see is someone make a completely factual movie. That touches on all the details of his life. And it be about 10-20 hours long. Like 'Roots' or 'North and South'. Even having hours on his childhood so that the fans could see patiently what he was like as a child, and etc., etc.

            Have you heard of, ?

            Kind Regards,

            [This message has been edited by Preston (edited 10-09-2006).]
            - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


              That is true. If the films about composers and their music make people interested in their lifes and music than that's great. If you leave the theatre wanting to learn more or listen more to their music than the film did it's job I thijnk even if there are some inaccuracies.

              'Truth and beauty joined'
              'Truth and beauty joined'


                Hey Mike. I've now sent you three emails without reply? You're still at Foglu, yes?


                  Originally posted by PDG:
                  Hey Mike. I've now sent you three emails without reply? You're still at Foglu, yes?
                  Really sorry!! Having connection problems. I think I have a virus - and my computer is acting up too!
                  Message on the way.



                    Originally posted by Joy:
                    That is true. If the films about composers and their music make people interested in their lifes and music than that's great. If you leave the theatre wanting to learn more or listen more to their music than the film did it's job I thijnk even if there are some inaccuracies.

                    I agree, too. BTW, I've been always so envious of the great success among critics (4 OSCARS!)and public for AMADEUS! Great God, 15 movies about LVB, all so so, and just ONE film about M and terrific! As B said once to a friend while listening to M: "we'll never be able to do something like this!" Indeed he was...but not at the cinema!


                      Very amusing, Terry. Well done!

