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String Quartets arranged for piano?

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    Originally posted by PDG:
    Hey Michael, did you get my email a while back??

    Peter, My apologies. I may have deleted it by accident. I get so much spam (who doesn't) that I am inclined to fly through it and I may have unintentionally sent you to the Trash can. I have sent you an email, but since you have one hell of an email address, I hope it gets there! Let me know here if you didn't. I'm sure the Beethoven Reference Site won't mind.



      Originally posted by PDG:
      It was actually a fair comment.....Okay, give me till Monday and I'll load the Four-handed piano version of the Fugue, Op.134.
      Very good. You have your own recording, or as I suspect some free internet file-sharing setup? I have been the epitomy on generosity when it comes to offering music at this site, I've done it literally 100s of times here. But I chose to do it upon my own motivation, not on demand. Don't be greedy, don't bite the hand that feeds you, and things will come your way.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        Originally posted by Rod:

        But I chose to do it upon my own motivation, not on demand. Don't be greedy, don't bite the hand that feeds you, and things will come your way.

        Good morning to you too, Rod! Er...what did I demand? How am I greedy? I would bite your hand bit I just had breakfast, thanks all the same...


          Originally posted by PDG:
          Good morning to you too, Rod! Er...what did I demand? How am I greedy? I would bite your hand bit I just had breakfast, thanks all the same...

          You did not enlighten me as to how you have/will come across a recording of the fugue duet?

          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


            Folks, I don't know what all the fuss is about. The piano arrangement is available in the Complete Beethoven Edition for a measly five or six hundred pounds!



              Michael - I don't know what it's all about either, but I'm sorry for even asking Rod to upload it. I thought I asked (not demanded) with a sort of humility and humor. When Rod declined, I didn't press him further because, yes, he has been generous.

              I guess the reason I asked for it in the first place is because I respect Rod's unique taste in finding good interpretations/recordings. I just assumed that his "Grosse Fugue" must be quite exquisite so I thought I'd ask if he could share it. If that's greed, sorry


                Originally posted by Nightklavier:
                Michael - I don't know what it's all about either, but I'm sorry for even asking Rod to upload it. I thought I asked (not demanded) with a sort of humility and humor. When Rod declined, I didn't press him further because, yes, he has been generous.

                I guess the reason I asked for it in the first place is because I respect Rod's unique taste in finding good interpretations/recordings. I just assumed that his "Grosse Fugue" must be quite exquisite so I thought I'd ask if he could share it. If that's greed, sorry

                The reference to 'greed' was a patronising joke aimed at PDG. What sometimes puts me off is the lack of feedback at the forum from the vast majority of the many pieces I have posted at the site over the years. Yet I get requests for more. Chains relating to other composers often generate far more interest than more relevent posts relating to Beethoven's music at this site. That says something to me.

                In the case of the fugue arrangement, the interpretation in my recording is not a good one. Putting the fact that is it performed on a modern piano aside, the performance lacks drive and energy. The arrangement is particulalry of interest as here and there Beethoven does a little rewriting compared to the orignal. Why it is such a rarity is yet another Beethoven mystery to me, perhaps it is too difficult!?

                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 09-23-2006).]


                  Originally posted by Rod:

                  The reference to 'greed' was a patronising joke aimed at PDG.

                  Ha! Ha! Hmmm....(maybe you aimed but missed?...).

                  [This message has been edited by PDG (edited 09-23-2006).]


                    Originally posted by Rod:
                    You did not enlighten me as to how you have/will come across a recording of the fugue duet?

                    Well, it's the famous Demus/Shetler recording from 1969 (is there any other?). I copied it to minidisc from last year's BBC Radio 3's Beethoven Experience. The quality is poor, but if I must be humiliated, I will keep my word and upload it in a couple of days...


                      Originally posted by Michael:
                      Peter, My apologies. I may have deleted it by accident. I get so much spam (who doesn't) that I am inclined to fly through it and I may have unintentionally sent you to the Trash can. I have sent you an email, but since you have one hell of an email address, I hope it gets there! Let me know here if you didn't. I'm sure the Beethoven Reference Site won't mind.


                      Well, let's hope not, Michael! Got your email, will reply when sober <hic.....>.

                      BTW, folks, I am not Peter. My name is Peter.


                        I have also only a recording from the Great Fugue but in the Classical Midi Archives site
                        they have midis of all stringquartetts in piano rendition and this is marvellous! You get to hear some elements of the scores which sometimes cannot be heard so clearly by the performance of strings. So if your PC has a fairly good piano midi sound get these files - especially op. 132 (last mov.) I highly recommend!!!!


                          I'm quite wary of midis as they usually lack musicality, emotion, and all the subtleties Beethoven requires... But I'll reserve judgement and check them out. Thanks, gprengel.


                            Originally posted by gprengel:
                            I have also only a recording from the Great Fugue but in the Classical Midi Archives site
                            they have midis of all stringquartetts in piano rendition and this is marvellous! You get to hear some elements of the scores which sometimes cannot be heard so clearly by the performance of strings. So if your PC has a fairly good piano midi sound get these files - especially op. 132 (last mov.) I highly recommend!!!!

                            Oops! Don't dare mention midis or you will incur the Wrath of Rod! I am quite fond of them myself and have downloaded a lot of bits and pieces from the Unheard Beethoven site. I don't advocate listening to them all the time but they can open up your ears to details you take for granted in the normal performances. I once heard a Beethoven sonata movement played on an accordion and it made the familiar unfamiliar, if you follow me.
                            Incidentally, the recording of the Grosse Fuge arrangement that I have is the same as PDG mentions - the Demus/Shetler one and though it was recorded in the late sixties or early seventies it has been well preserved and remastered and does show up the slight differences between it and the original string quartet version.



                              Originally posted by Nightklavier:
                              I'm quite wary of midis as they usually lack musicality, emotion, and all the subtleties Beethoven requires... But I'll reserve judgement and check them out. Thanks, gprengel.

                              Midis can include a lot of subleties--it depends on how they are recorded and what software they use. For example, Audio Logic is a program I use to record and most of my dynamic and phrasing nuances are not lost.


                                Originally posted by PDG:
                                Well, it's the famous Demus/Shetler recording from 1969 (is there any other?). I copied it to minidisc from last year's BBC Radio 3's Beethoven Experience. The quality is poor, but if I must be humiliated, I will keep my word and upload it in a couple of days...

                                There certainly are other recordings of the fugue duet if you search around, mine is a recent one and not from the DG complete edition, but that being said they are still as rare as bananas on the moon.

                                I'll suffer poor sound quality if the interpretation is good. Remember I had plenty of good things to say about the Schnabel mp3 from op106 despite the horrific sound and the numerous technical errors in the performance.

                                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                                [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 09-24-2006).]

