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Bonn weekend (Sep 15-17)

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    Bonn weekend (Sep 15-17)

    Following on from my wonderful trip to Vienna back in 2003 (with Peter and Andrea) I'm off to the master's birthplace!

    I just couldn't resist the opportunity to hear the Missa Solemnis on Sep 16 in the Beethoven Hall, a concert venue not far from the Beethoven house itself. This concert forms part of the month-long "Beethovenfest" in the city. See the website for more details:

    The website for the house itself is excellent. What a resource!

    I've already downloaded an Adobe file which details places in Bonn associated with the composer, handy for my walk on the Sunday.

    I'll be flying from Manchester (£90 ret) and staying in a 3-star hotel on the Bonngasse (£40 per night), just yards from the composer's birthplace.

    I'll let you all know how I get on!


    Sounds like a great trip Bernard - I was there in 1980 and we found the Bonngasse very quickly and by pure luck after exiting the autobahn!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      The website for the house itself is excellent. What a resource!

      I've already downloaded an Adobe file which details places in Bonn associated with the composer, handy for my walk on the Sunday.

      yes the website ist fantastic indeed. You can also become a member of the beethoven haus and you get a Beethoven magazine twice a year and a goodie.
      I might be visiting the beethoven fest aswell, so might see you there Bernard :-)

      *~Ja, was haben's da scho wieder gmacht, Beethoven?~*
      *~Ja, was haben's da scho wieder gmacht, Beethoven?~*


        I'm planning a visit to the birthhouse etc 26-29 September. I'd like to know how you get on and what other sites to see!!

        Must it must be


          Bernard, I had about the same experience, in Vienna, in October 2003. An outstanding 7 day visit, where Andrea not only helped with my orientation, but accompanied me on visits to Beethoven's grave, Heilegenstadt, and other sites, for one day. Missed the opportunity to meet her husband, though.
          Please let me know about your experience in Bonn, as that is one of my next "projects".
          Buen viaje!


          "Without music, life would be a mistake", Nietzsche

          "Without music, life would be a mistake", Nietzsche

