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Beethoven in General

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    Beethoven in General

    Hi,I am researching the project about Beethoven. I am looking for the particular reason why he become so famous and was so important in classic era. Help me!

    Well you'll find many of the answers to that, by reading through the many posts on this forum and on the other pages of this site. Beethoven initially became famous in Vienna as a pianist - he was considered by many the greatest improviser and virtuoso of his day. From the start he was treated by the nobility on almost equal terms -unprecedented for a musician. Soon he began to make his name as a composer also, primarily of piano sonatas, songs, chamber music - which whislt influenced by Mozart, Haydn, Clementi, C.P.E.Bach and others, show a marked originality. In the first decade of the 19th century, a whole string of masterpieces appeared including the 'Eroica' Symphony which changed the course of music with its originality and unprecedented length - Beethoven took the Classical form to new horizons - this Symphony had 'shock value' with its revolutionary approach and nothing attracts attention like shocking people! - I think if you ask why his music is so famous and has transcended time, I would have to say because of its sincerity - this is music written as Beethoven put it 'from the heart' .

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

