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Consecration of the House Op124 on Authentic Instruments

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    Consecration of the House Op124 on Authentic Instruments

    Here is the link to the overture as promised, performed by the Hanover band, from their 'Beethoven Overtures' CD on Nimbus Records . My usual server is not working today so try this link. Let me know if you have any problems.
    Any comments welcome.

    If that doesn't work this will:

    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

    [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 07-08-2006).]

    Computer says "no". I am being advised that this may be a risky file to open??.....Maybe Computer doesn't like Consecration of the House ??!!


      Originally posted by PDG:
      Computer says "no". I am being advised that this may be a risky file to open??.....Maybe Computer doesn't like Consecration of the House ??!!
      My computer says 'yes'. Download it anyway, I've yet to post an infected music file PDG!

      This is a magnficent account, the ony one I've heard that does any justice to the music. And if any one want's to hear the Handel music the fugal section is based on let me know, I can post that too.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        Originally posted by Rod:
        Let me know if you have any problems.

        For some quaint reasons the reaction to the download attempt is "expired link".

        This work is particularly interesting because it OPUS number is wedged right between the massive Missa Solemnis (OP 123) and the commanding choral symphony #9 (OP 125).

        Does anyone know the history of that composition in terms of why its opus num became 124?

        A Calm Sea and A Prosperous Voyage
        A Calm Sea and A Prosperous Voyage


          Originally posted by lvbfanatic:

          For some quaint reasons the reaction to the download attempt is "expired link".

          This work is particularly interesting because it OPUS number is wedged right between the massive Missa Solemnis (OP 123) and the commanding choral symphony #9 (OP 125).

          Does anyone know the history of that composition in terms of why its opus num became 124?

          Well I can download it easy each time on my machine from this link. If someone else has successfully downloaded the file please put a message here. If nobody can sorry, can't explain it, you'll have to buy the music.

          The overture has a late opus because it is a late work!

          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


            Originally posted by lvbfanatic:

            This work is particularly interesting because it OPUS number is wedged right between the massive Missa Solemnis (OP 123) and the commanding choral symphony #9 (OP 125).

            Does anyone know the history of that composition in terms of why its opus num became 124?

            Dear lvbfanatic;

            I know of no history in setting Beethoven's opus numbers. To my knowledge, Beethoven and his publishers set the opus numbers at the time of the publication of a work. The overture "Consecration of House" is opus 124 because Beethoven and his publisher set it at 124, not because of any arcane history. It is Beethoven's 124th published work.

            Now, Beethoven worked with several publishers and often became confused. He might skip a number, or set the same number to 2 different works. So often, opus number lists are later "fixed" or "canonized."

            It is interesting to note that the first complete German score of *Fidelio* was published in 1847 as opus 88.

            "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"



              If you are using Explorer (WHY??? FireFox is quicker and easier!) and are having problems, go to Tools/internet options/security/Internet - custom level button. In the Downloads section of the custom list ensure 'Automatic prompting for file downloads' is enabled. If it still doesn't work make sure you have any blocking devices disabled.

              "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                FYI: I had no problem at all downloading the file.
                Can't wait to listen to it now!


                  Originally posted by Rod:

                  The overture has a late opus because it is a late work!

                  Dear Rod;

                  No, a late opus does not mean a late work. Rather, it means a late published work. In another thread it was mentioned that opus 103 was a work Beethoven composed in Bonn. The rondo "Rage over the lost penny" was composed in 1795, but published posthumously as opus 129. Despite the late opus numbers, these are early works.

                  Again, opus numbers indicate, in large, publication order. They do not indicate composition order.

                  "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


                    Originally posted by Hofrat:

                    Dear Rod;

                    No, a late opus does not mean a late work. Rather, it means a late published work. In another thread it was mentioned that opus 103 was a work Beethoven composed in Bonn. The rondo "Rage over the lost penny" was composed in 1795, but published posthumously as opus 129. Despite the late opus numbers, these are early works.

                    Again, opus numbers indicate, in large, publication order. They do not indicate composition order.

                    You think I don't know everything you have just written already, and much more besides? In this case the work is late, and the opus in this case is reflecting that, as they do for the 9th and the Missa. I got the impression the poster was not aware that the overture was a late work.

                    With respect I would be more interested in reading your impression of this music than just refering to me the obvious as you have done elsewhere with regard to my posts.

                    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                    [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 07-03-2006).]


                      Originally posted by jhaubrich:
                      FYI: I had no problem at all downloading the file.
                      Can't wait to listen to it now!

                      Smart boy (retired), I knew someone here must not be a technophobe! I look forward to reading your impression here at this chain.

                      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                      [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 07-03-2006).]


                        Originally posted by Rod:
                        Here is the link to the overture as promised, performed by the Hanover band, from their 'Beethoven Overtures' CD on Nimbus Records . My usual server is not working today so try this link. Let me know if you have any problems.
                        Any comments welcome.

                        I can't access the file either! May well take your advice though and buy the set at some stage.

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by Rod:

                          If you are using Explorer and are having problems, go to Tools/internet options/security/Internet - custom level button. In the Downloads section of the custom list ensure 'Automatic prompting for file downloads' is enabled. If it still doesn't work make sure you have any blocking devices disabled.

                          That's a bit too confusing of an instruction because it appears that the phrasing of the panel inside explorer is most thoroughly incorrect and logically absurd.

                          However, more simply, when the download instruction tells you to wait for 30 seconds, click on the click here link. Waiting the 30 seconds is what appears to cause the problem.See below....

                          Your download should begin in a few moments. Please wait up to 30 seconds for the download to begin. If you are still having difficulties downloading, please click here.

                          Must it be? It must be!

                          [This message has been edited by Ateach Asc (edited 07-03-2006).]
                          Must it be? It must be!


                            Originally posted by Peter:
                            I can't access the file either! May well take your advice though and buy the set at some stage.

                            I give instructions above what to do if you are using Explorer. It is not difficult, I am somewhat exasperated!

                            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                              Originally posted by Ateach Asc:
                              That's a bit too confusing of an instruction because it appears that the phrasing of the panel inside explorer is most thoroughly incorrect and logically absurd.

                              I am thoroughly confused by your remark here too!

                              It's a little shorthand, but following what I say works 100% unless you have downloading switched off altogether. I can wait 30 secs and it works, you get another screen and have to wait a little longer. But you have to have no blocking and 'Automatic prompting for file downloads' enabled in Internet Options - security - Internet custom settings list.

                              "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                              [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 07-03-2006).]

