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On This Day!

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    On This Day!

    In 1784 -- Death of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, eldest son of J.S. Bach, in Berlin, age 73. "In 1733 Wilhelm Friedemann became organist in Dresden and thirteen years later at Halle (a position offered many years before to his father). Also known as the "Halle" Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann composed concertos, fantasias, sonatas, fugues, and symphonies".

    'Truth and beauty joined'

    [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 07-01-2006).]
    'Truth and beauty joined'

    Originally posted by Joy:
    In 1784 -- Death of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, eldest son of J.S. Bach, in Berlin, age 73. "In 1733 Wilhelm Friedemann became organist in Dresden and thirteen years later at Halle (a position offered many years before to his father). Also known as the "Halle" Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann composed concertos, fantasias, sonatas, fugues, and symphonies".

    I've not heard much of his music, only that of his other, perhaps more famous brothers, C.P.E. and J.C. Bach. It would be interesting to compare the directions each of these went.

