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On This Day!

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    On This Day!

    In 1830 -- Ludwig van Beethoven's Missa Solemnis is performed in its entirety for the first time, at Warnsdorf., Bohemia.

    "My chief aim when I was composing this grand Mass was to awaken and permanently instill religious feelings not only into the singers but also into the listeners," wrote Ludwig van Beethoven.

    Then I also read that it was the only full performance in Beethoven's lifetime (bits of it were played in other concerts)? How could it be both?

    'Truth and beauty joined'
    'Truth and beauty joined'

    Originally posted by Joy:
    In 1830 -- Ludwig van Beethoven's Missa Solemnis is performed in its entirety for the first time, at Warnsdorf., Bohemia.

    "My chief aim when I was composing this grand Mass was to awaken and permanently instill religious feelings not only into the singers but also into the listeners," wrote Ludwig van Beethoven.

    Then I also read that it was the only full performance in Beethoven's lifetime (bits of it were played in other concerts)? How could it be both?

    Dear Joy;

    Parts of Missa Solemnis were performed in Beethoven's life time, but not the entire mass, and not in a church.

    There were some very strange laws in Austria then. One such law forbid church music to be performed in any place but a church. So, church music could not be performed in a theater or a concert hall. But as we all know, necessity is the mother of invention, and this law was by-passed easily. Beethoven performed parts of both his masses in theaters by billing them as "hymns with Latin texts."

    That was how his C-major mass was billed in 1808, and Missa Solemnis was billed at the premiere of the 9th smphony.

    "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


      Thanks very much, Hofrat, for the information! Very interesting to learn that people were always bypassing laws and getting around them!

      'Truth and beauty joined'

      [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 06-29-2006).]
      'Truth and beauty joined'

