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vienna trip

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    Originally posted by bernardc:
    Heidi, say "hello" to Andrea for me. She took me and Peter around Vienna back in 2003 and what an expert guide she proved to be.

    And if you're fortunate enough to visit her flat the collection of Beethoven memorabilia is second to none too!
    Many thanks Bernard for your lovely review of myself and of my Beethoven collection. So when are you and Peter coming back for a visit to Vienna? You will let me know if you do.

    "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly."
    - Beethoven 1804.
    "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


      Originally posted by bernardc:
      take the fast train across Austria to the quaint little village of Gneixendorf. The house where Beethoven and Karl stayed just months before his death (belonged to his brother) still stands and the lady owner is the most charming hostess you can imagine. !

      bernard sorry for interrupting but "take the fast train across Austria" means Gneixendorf is where in Austria?
      (i'm planning to go aswell and I'll take the train across Austria with a stop in Salzburg, so I might have a stop in Gneixendorf aswell).

      *~Ja, was haben's da scho wieder gmacht, Beethoven?~*
      *~Ja, was haben's da scho wieder gmacht, Beethoven?~*


        Originally posted by Anthina:

        bernard sorry for interrupting but "take the fast train across Austria" means Gneixendorf is where in Austria?
        (i'm planning to go aswell and I'll take the train across Austria with a stop in Salzburg, so I might have a stop in Gneixendorf aswell).

        Gneixendorf is near Krems in Niederösterreich and you can check it out here:


        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly."
        - Beethoven 1804.
        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


          thank you.
          that picture looks rather spooky. It's got something that reminds me of Dracula.

          edit: I've found a report about Gneixendorf here
          *~Ja, was haben's da scho wieder gmacht, Beethoven?~*

          [This message has been edited by Anthina (edited 03-15-2006).]
          *~Ja, was haben's da scho wieder gmacht, Beethoven?~*


            Originally posted by Hollywood:
            Many thanks Bernard for your lovely review of myself and of my Beethoven collection. So when are you and Peter coming back for a visit to Vienna? You will let me know if you do.

            One day certainly, after all I never made it up the Kahlenberg! This year it's Florence which from the musical perspective is more Tchaikovsky than Beethoven!

            'Man know thyself'
            'Man know thyself'


              Originally posted by Peter:
              One day certainly, after all I never made it up the Kahlenberg! This year it's Florence which from the musical perspective is more Tchaikovsky than Beethoven!

              After Vienna, the next place I think for Beethoven pilgrims is Budapest, only a short train journey away from Vienna.

              "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                Hi Heidi. Since this forum doesn't have a P.M. function I hope you'll see this post. You sent me an e-mail the other day which I answered but for some reason your server sent it back to me as "Mail Returned". I don't know why it was returned and I don't know how I can get in touch with you before you leave the USA for Europe. I can't remember if I gave you my home phone and mobile numbers so you can call me once you are here in Vienna. What I can try is to send you another e-mail from my GMX account instead of my Chello account. So if you receive a e-mail from Hollywood then that'll be me. I hope this will work.


                "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly."
                - Beethoven 1804.
                "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                  Originally posted by Rod:
                  After Vienna, the next place I think for Beethoven pilgrims is Budapest, only a short train journey away from Vienna.

                  Dear Rod,

                  Yes, there are a few interesting Beethoven sites in Budapest:

                  1. The Castle Theater on Castle Hill in Buda. Here Beethoven performed his only public concert in Hungary on 7 May 1800 with the horn player Punto.

                  2. Marie Erdody's House. Also on Castle Hill. Beethoven lodged there after the concert. It now houses the Music Museum and Beethoven's Broadwood piano should be there. The problem is that they have been renovating this museum for close to 3 years. It should be open now. The same building houses the Bartok Archives.

                  3. Should the Erdody House still be closed to the public, the Beethoven Broadwood should be at the National Galleries near Heros' Square, if the forte is not on tour.

                  4. Martonvasar. An hour from Budapest by train. This is the von Brunsvik home and it is now a little Beethoven museum.

                  Other nice music sites:

                  5. The Opera House. Tours daily in the afternoons.

                  6. The Liszt Museum.

                  "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


                    Originally posted by Hofrat:
                    Dear Heidi;

                    If you use the Yahoo search engine and search for +beethoven +vienna, you will find three sites:

                    1. The Beethoven grave (Central Cemetary).
                    2. The Eroica House.
                    3. The Pasqualati House.
                    The only problem is: the alleged 'Eroica House' has nothing to do with Beethoven. Vienna has two very beautiful Beethoven houses, he never lived in: one in the Kahlenbergerstrasse and the 'Eroica-Haus' at Doeblinger Hauptstrasse 92. Josef Boeck-Gnadenau, who tried to identify Beethoven's house committed a mistake, because didn't know that the first renumbering of the houses in Doebling took place but in 1804 and not in 1802. Thayer already gave the right address in 1872: Hofzeile 15. The original house has been torn down.


                      Originally posted by Hofrat:
                      Dear Rod,

                      Yes, there are a few interesting Beethoven sites in Budapest:

                      1. The Castle Theater on Castle Hill in Buda. Here Beethoven performed his only public concert in Hungary on 7 May 1800 with the horn player Punto.

                      2. Marie Erdody's House. Also on Castle Hill. Beethoven lodged there after the concert. It now houses the Music Museum and Beethoven's Broadwood piano should be there. The problem is that they have been renovating this museum for close to 3 years. It should be open now. The same building houses the Bartok Archives.

                      3. Should the Erdody House still be closed to the public, the Beethoven Broadwood should be at the National Galleries near Heros' Square, if the forte is not on tour.

                      4. Martonvasar. An hour from Budapest by train. This is the von Brunsvik home and it is now a little Beethoven museum.

                      Other nice music sites:

                      5. The Opera House. Tours daily in the afternoons.

                      6. The Liszt Museum.


                      Indeed, I visited the Erdody house/museum and the Brunsvik mansion while I was there, the latter is lovely on a sunny day as it has a nice lake, some nice fortepianos in the museum. They do concerts there too.

                      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                        Originally posted by Cetto von Cronstorff:
                        Thayer already gave the right address in 1872: Hofzeile 15. The original house has been torn down.

                        Alas like so many of Beethoven's abodes - on this site there are photos of many places where Beethoven lived, but I think only 4 of them are the original building.

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by Peter:
                          Alas like so many of Beethoven's abodes - on this site there are photos of many places where Beethoven lived, but I think only 4 of them are the original building.

                          Regardless the 'Eroica' house is still worth visiting for the Beethoven effects to be found there.

                          Also across the courtyard is another music museum which the casual visitor could easily miss (I found it only through being nosey). There is a huge Streicher piano (B's favourite brand) from circa 1850 in full working order.

                          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                            Originally posted by heidi:
                            Hello everyone,

                            I'm hoping you can help me with some things to do and see when I finely get to visit Vienna this summer. It will be a short visit, 3 days. My 12 year old daughter sings in a choir and they will be traveling to Austria this June to be part of the ongonig Mozart 250th birthday festival. She will sing in Salzburg and Vienna. I am going too and while in Vienna, I want to see as much as can of Beethoven. The choir will be off visiting all the Mozart sites. I will probalbly be on my own and just would like any advice or ideas on what to see. I'm thinking about hiring a priviate guide although they look to be very pricey. There use to be a women named Andrea that wrote into this forum quite a bit a few years back and I know she said she would love to show us around if we ever came to Vienna. Does anyone know what happened to her. I would love to get in contact with her. Any suggetions will be helpful. Thanks.

                            Hello again everyone,

                            I just returned from my trip to Austria a few days ago. I had a wonderful time. I was able to see so much in and around Salzburg and Vienna I didn't have time to stand still. Salzburg is beautiful but Vienna is unbelievable. Andrea (from the forum) who lives there graciously took care of me for two days. Showing me all the sites I wanted to see. She is a great guide and I highly recomend her company and knowledge of the city to anyone that needs a guide. She is a wonderful, kind person and I now have a good friend that lives in Vienna (actually Heiligenstadt)I can visit. We went to the Central Cemetary were we saw all the maginicent mounuments and headstones, the Beethoven Platz to see my favorite statue, up to Heiligenstadt to the Testament house and statue of B there back to the city to see the origional graves at Schubert park. That was the first day. The next day we went to the Pasqualti House, the Beethoven shop, I had to be at St. Peters church by 3:00 (my daughter was getting ready to sing with her choir for the mass) so we walked and did some sight seeing and shopping on the way. Two days is definatly not enuogh to see everything so I need to go back. But in the time I was there Andrea made sure I saw alot. Thanks again so much Andrea!! If I can I'll try to get some pictures posted.


