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For Hofrat

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    For Hofrat

    Hello Hofrat,

    I'm lacking one small thing in the dates of JM Kraus tour of Europe and wonder if you can help (again).

    Am I right or wrong in believing that Joseph Martin Kraus was in Venice, Italy on or around 25th May 1784 ?

    It's a small point but if you know it would surely help. It's not crucial but if it's correct I can use it in my post for early next week.

    Thanks again - I won't bother you more on this.

    Best regards


    Originally posted by robert newman:

    Hello Hofrat,

    I'm lacking one small thing in the dates of JM Kraus tour of Europe and wonder if you can help (again).

    Am I right or wrong in believing that Joseph Martin Kraus was in Venice, Italy on or around 25th May 1784 ?

    It's a small point but if you know it would surely help. It's not crucial but if it's correct I can use it in my post for early next week.

    Thanks again - I won't bother you more on this.

    Best regards

    Dear Robert;

    I do not have a lot of information about the 1782-1786 study trip of Kraus. I will give you what I have and hopefully it will suffice. I certainly do not want to bother Professor van Boer.

    1782-1783 seems to be the Germany-Austria segment of the trip. In 1783, Kraus meets Gluck and Albrectsberger in Vienna, and stays with Haydn in Esterhazy castle. He composes and dedicates his C-minor symphony to Haydn.

    November 1783 Kraus arrives in Italy where he joins King Gustav III.

    1784 has Kraus in Paris where King Gustav III is visiting. Kraus is commissioned by the king to compose entractes for Moliere's "Amphitryon." Kraus remains in Paris for 2 years.

    December 1786, Kraus returns to Stockholm.

    "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"



      Thanks Hofrat. That's exactly what I have also.

      (The reason I asked about Venice in 1784 was that around that date Gustav 3rd of Sweden attended the premiere of a specially commissioned opera for the Swedish king, 'Admira', written by none other than Beethoven's Bonn Kapellmeister Andrea Luchesi (who was in Italy on leave at this time). Kraus was almost certainly with him on that date and if so at that opera.

      Thank you again
      Best wishes



        Originally posted by robert newman:

        Thanks Hofrat. That's exactly what I have also.

        (The reason I asked about Venice in 1784 was that around that date Gustav 3rd of Sweden attended the premiere of a specially commissioned opera for the Swedish king, 'Admira', written by none other than Beethoven's Bonn Kapellmeister Andrea Luchesi (who was in Italy on leave at this time). Kraus was almost certainly with him on that date and if so at that opera.

        Thank you again
        Best wishes


        Dear Robert;

        You better check your dates again. By May 1784, Kraus was already in France on his way to Paris, after having visited Florence and by ship from Livorno to Marseilles.

        "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


          Originally posted by robert newman:

          Thanks Hofrat. That's exactly what I have also.

          (The reason I asked about Venice in 1784 was that around that date Gustav 3rd of Sweden attended the premiere of a specially commissioned opera for the Swedish king, 'Admira', written by none other than Beethoven's Bonn Kapellmeister Andrea Luchesi (who was in Italy on leave at this time). Kraus was almost certainly with him on that date and if so at that opera.

          Thank you again
          Best wishes

          Dear Robert;

          Actually, on 28 April 1784 Kraus was in Livorno, where he reported that
          he was awaiting favorable winds to continue his journey; in the
          meantime, he took a short trip over to Pisa. He lodged at the
          Swedish consulate there, that is to say, not with Gustav's entourage. He arrived in
          Paris on 21 June, on 26 June he outlined precisely his travels from
          Livorno. There is a lost letter he aludes to from Marseilles, which on
          31 July he noted had been delayed 3 weeks in quarantine. The route was
          Marseille-Aix-en-Provence to Lyon to Vienne to Paris. He was housed at
          the Hotel de Marigni at the Place du vieux Louvre in Paris. In other
          words, he was NOT with Gustav at any time after February. Indeed, in a
          letter dated 16 March from Livorno he states clearly that "I received
          orders from the King to first await some letters and a few other small
          packets that he wished me to take to Paris....the 7th [of
          March] Stolberg and I packed ourselves into a Carozino [a rather nice
          carrage] and were away from Naples at the break of day, and after 10
          days arrived here yesterday evening a bit rumpled but otherwise healthy.
          Probably this is the last place in Italy that I will see, and no one
          more than I can be more satisfied that my Italian pilgrimage ended

          I hope you have that straight!!

          "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"



            Thank you Hofrat.

            I have with me sections of the Kraus Biography of 1928 by Karl Frierich Schreiber (published in Baden) in which the letters you refer to - first that of March 16th 1784 - written in Livorno is contained. Yes, I see the text in which he ends '....meine italienische Pilgrimsfahrt hier endet'and now also see the other one of June from Paris.

            This is all fine. I think I've understood it now. Thanks again.


            [This message has been edited by robert newman (edited 04-07-2006).]

