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Death of a hero!

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    Death of a hero!

    I think someone here ought to mark the 179th anniversary of Beethoven's death - I trust Andrea has made her annual pilgrimage!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

    Originally posted by Peter:
    I think someone here ought to mark the 179th anniversary of Beethoven's death - I trust Andrea has made her annual pilgrimage!

    Yes, Peter, you are absolutely right! Let us all remember the greatness on this day.

    As a side note, I dabble in art, and to keep me inspired, I keep a picture of Beethoven and quotes he made throughout his life on art and perserverance above my workspace. His dedication and genius during his various struggles is truly an inspiration and makes me want to keep going, even when I want to quit! A true "role model." I sat and read the quotes again today and his insights were right on.



      I did listen to the Leonore Overture #3. Does that count for something?

      You make me feel terrible, Peter, as I completely forgot about this!

      I do have to add that I am listening to Cherubini's Requiem in D Minor. Now I know why I chose this work!

      [This message has been edited by Sorrano (edited 03-26-2006).]


        Originally posted by Sorrano:
        I did listen to the Leonore Overture #3. Does that count for something?

        You make me feel terrible, Peter, as I completely forgot about this!

        I do have to add that I am listening to Cherubini's Requiem in D Minor. Now I know why I chose this work!

        Don't worry - if it's any comfort it slipped my mind until late yesterday. Normally someone posts every year on this so I didn't want to break a long standing tradition!

        'Man know thyself'
        'Man know thyself'


          Originally posted by Peter:
          Don't worry - if it's any comfort it slipped my mind until late yesterday. Normally someone posts every year on this so I didn't want to break a long standing tradition!

          And I DID listen to the 9th Symphony afterwards! Thanks for the reminder!


            Originally posted by Peter:
            I think someone here ought to mark the 179th anniversary of Beethoven's death - I trust Andrea has made her annual pilgrimage!

            Unfortunately I wasn't able to get down to visit Beethoven's grave today since I was busy with doctor visits.

            "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly."
            - Beethoven 1804.
            "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


              Listened to Leonore's #3 yesterday also. And I have to agree with Teresa, with all his maladies he went on and composed the most beautiful music ever. He's an inspiration to me also.

              Some final thoughts;
              "In early December Beethoven returned to Vienna with Karl and the journey brought the composer down with pneumonia. He recovered, only to be laid low again with cirrhosis of the liver, which in turn gave way to dropsy. His condition had deteriorated dramatically by the beginning of March and, sensing the worst, his friends rallied round: faithful Stephan brought his family and Schubert paid his respects.

              Beethoven's final moments, if a report by Schubert's friend Huttenbrenner are to believed, were dramatic in the extreme. At about 5:45 in the afternoon of 26 March, 1827, as a storm raged, Beethoven's room was suddenly filled with light and shaken with thunder:

              Beethoven's eyes opened and he lifted his right fist for several seconds, a serious, threatening expression on his face. When his head fell back, he half closed his eyes
              ... Not another word, not another heartbeat."

              'Truth and beauty joined'
              'Truth and beauty joined'


                Originally posted by Peter:
                Don't worry - if it's any comfort it slipped my mind until late yesterday. Normally someone posts every year on this so I didn't want to break a long standing tradition!

                We'll I put on my Fidelio DVD for what it's worth, I'm still mopping up the tears!

                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                  Teresa wrote:

                  > I keep a picture of Beethoven and quotes he made throughout his life on art and perserverance above my workspace.

                  I've seen a few quotes by Beethoven, including some of this list's taglines. Will you share with us your favorite quotes?

                  To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

                  To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.
                  To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

                  To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.


                    Originally posted by sjwenger:
                    Teresa wrote:

                    > I keep a picture of Beethoven and quotes he made throughout his life on art and perserverance above my workspace.

                    I've seen a few quotes by Beethoven, including some of this list's taglines. Will you share with us your favorite quotes?

                    I'd be happy to. My favorites:

                    "One must not hold one's self so divine as to be unwilling occasionally to make improvements in one's creations."

                    "The true artist is not proud, he unfortunately sees that art has no limits; he feels darkly how far he is from the goal, and though he may be admired by others, he is sad not to have reached that point to which his better genius only appears as a distant, guiding sun."

                    "Hope nourishes me; it nourishes half the world, and has been my neighbor all my life - else what would have become of me!"

                    "Continue to translate yourself to the heaven of art; there is no more undisturbed, unmixed, purer happiness than may thus be attained."

                    "This is the mark of a really admirable man: steadfastness in the face of trouble."



                      Originally posted by Rod:
                      We'll I put on my Fidelio DVD for what it's worth, I'm still mopping up the tears!
                      And I've been listening to the "Opferlied" Op. 121b. I'm currently on an "Opferlied" kick; you might say it's in "heavy rotation" on my CD-ROM drive.

                      Tomorrow I'm off to Pedrini's music store to look for the choral score or a piano reduction--whatever I can find of it.

                      I'm new here, by the way.


                        Originally posted by Rod:
                        We'll I put on my Fidelio DVD for what it's worth, I'm still mopping up the tears!

                        Performance that bad, huh?



                          Seriously, though, I am looking for a good performance on DVD. It must have subtitles in English, obviously. What would you recommend?


