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Beethoven and Mozart!

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    Beethoven and Mozart!

    A digital version of Mozart's musical diary is being put online in celebration of Mozart's 250th birthday. The digitized diary lets people click on and hear music from the opening bars of many of the works it mentions. The diary, which went online January 12th, allows visitors to the British Library Site to browse a high-tech version of Mozart's Catalogue of works. Mozart filled in the pages of his catalogue between February of 1784 and his death in 1791. Mozart wrote the name or title of the work on one side of the page, along with the date completed and the instrumentation, along with who commissioned it and where it was first played. The other side of the page contains the opening bars of the work. Curious surfers will be able to view the pages and hear the opening bars of the works by going to

    I'm going to a concert this Friday where the Phoenix Symphony will be performing musical pieces by these two great composers, here's their selections:

    BEETHOVEN Calm Sea & Prosperous Voyage
    BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 8
    MOZART Divertimento
    MOZART Mass K.167 ("Trinity")

    'Truth and beauty joined'
    'Truth and beauty joined'


    Hi Joy !

    That's an interesting programme. I wonder what the Divertimento is ? KV136 ?



      Hi Robert,

      According to the program it will be K. 166!


      'Truth and beauty joined'
      'Truth and beauty joined'

