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Copying Beethoven (contd)

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    Any news?


      I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes or anything, but I found an image of Ed Harris as Beethoven while searching on Google images. If you go to the Google images link and click on the 12th page, you'll see it. Maybe this is old news and others have seen it already, but I hadn't. He looks very convincing as B. Once again, if I've given out information that I shouldn't have, I apologize.



        I sincerely wish you and your team all the luck that the movie gods (and Ludwig's spirit) can bring you. I say this up front as you may be curious to hear that I've just spent the past two months researching Herr van B for a film after my own heart. Like you, I have a passion for the last quartets, and - like you - have long had an ambition to make a film about the final nine months of Beethoven's life. Fortunately I'd only just begun the actual writing when I came across this site - and your movie! My initial reaction was one of contemptuous dismissal - a love affair with B's female copyist? Do me a favour... sounds worse than the Nephew movie, not to mention the Immortal Beloved. But then as I read through all your postings, I felt that curious paradoxical sensation of a rising yet sinking heart. Of course everything you say about raising $10M on a film about the last days of Beethoven is entirely true - my solution would have been to make it for $2M and shot it on DV, but then again I would have been selfishly making the film for myself, not the widest possible audience. Just about everything you've written seems bang on, and although I can't share you enthusiasm for Amadeus (have you watched it recently??), it does seem as though you've made the right pragmatic choices, and I can't wait to see the results.
        As for my own script.... something tells me it will be joining that bottom drawer whence no project returns. I should add that I in no way regret having 'wasted' my time - it was a rare and enlightening experience to have spent it in Ludwig's company.


          Originally posted by CaptainStigmata:
          Any news?

          We're in the final stages of dubbing, and the film has gone to the committee of the Berlin Festival. We've sold a few more territories, including Germany, but we have not approached an American distributor yet. We'll see what happens at Berlin first.


            So, will Copying beethoven be playing at the Berlin Film Festival?


              Do you know the release dates for the territories that the film has already been sold to?


                Originally posted by CaptainStigmata:
                So, will Copying beethoven be playing at the Berlin Film Festival?
                No, I don't know yet.


                  Originally posted by CaptainStigmata:
                  Do you know the release dates for the territories that the film has already been sold to?

                  No, I don't know yet.


                    Any news recently?

                    'Truth and beauty joined'
                    'Truth and beauty joined'

